ACL 2018 计算语言学协会接受论文列表

ACL 2018, the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics将于2018年7月15日至20日在澳大利亚墨尔本举行。ACL年会是计算语言学和自然语言处理领域最重要的顶级国际会议,CCF A类会议,由计算语言学协会主办,每年举办一次。其接收的论文覆盖了对话交互系统、语义分析、摘要生成、信息抽取、问答系统、文本挖掘、机器翻译、语篇语用学、情感分析和意见挖掘、社会计算等自然语言处理领域众多研究方向。

今年的ACL会议论文竞争超级激烈。今年的 ACL 共收到了 1018 篇长文和 526 篇短文的投递,共计1544 篇。其中:

  • 长文有 258 篇被录用,录取率 25.34%;

  • 短文有 126 篇被录用,录取率 23.95%;

  • 整体录入率为24.9%。



  • Incorporating Latent Meanings of Morphological Compositions to Enhance Word Embeddings. Yang Xu, Jiawei Liu, Wei Yang and Liusheng Huang.

  • Extracting Relational Facts by an End-to-End Neural Model with Copy Mechanism. Xiangrong Zeng, Daojian Zeng, Shizhu He, Kang Liu and Jun Zhao.

  • Sequicity: Simplifying Task-oriented Dialogue Systems with Single Sequence-to-Sequence Architectures. Wenqiang Lei, Xisen Jin, Min-Yen Kan, Zhaochun Ren, Xiangnan He and Dawei Yin.

  • End-to-End Reinforcement Learning for Automatic Taxonomy Induction. Yuning Mao, Xiang Ren, Jiaming Shen, Xiaotao Gu and Jiawei Han.

  • Multi-Turn Response Selection for Chatbots with Deep Attention Matching Network. Xiangyang Zhou, Lu Li, Daxiang Dong, Yi Liu, Ying Chen, Wayne Xin Zhao, Dianhai Yu and Hua Wu.

  • StructVAE: Tree-structured Latent Variable Models for Semi-supervised Semantic Parsing. Pengcheng Yin, Chunting Zhou, Junxian He and Graham Neubig.

  • Bridging Languages through Images with Deep Partial Canonical Correlation Analysis. Guy Rotman, Ivan Vulić and Roi Reichart.

  • Supervised Treebank Conversion: Data and Approaches. Xinzhou Jiang, Zhenghua Li, Bo Zhang, Min Zhang, Sheng Li and Luo Si.

  • Learning to Ask Questions in Open-domain Conversational Systems with Typed Decoders. Yansen Wang, Chenyi Liu, Minlie Huang and Liqiang Nie.

  • Recursive Neural Structural Correspondence Network for Cross-domain Aspect and Opinion Co-Extraction. Wenya Wang and Sinno Jialin Pan.

  • Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation with Weight Sharing. Zhen Yang, Wei Chen, Feng Wang and Bo Xu.

  • Triangular Architecture for Rare Language Translation. Shuo Ren, Wenhu Chen, Shujie Liu, Mu Li, Ming Zhou and Shuai Ma.

  • Sequence-to-Action: End-to-End Semantic Graph Generation for Semantic Parsing. Bo Chen, Le Sun and Xianpei Han.

  • A Deep Relevance Model for Zero-Shot Document Filtering. Chenliang Li, Yu Duan, Wei Zhou, Feng Ji and Haiqing Chen.

  • Batch IS NOT Heavy: Learning Word Embeddings From All Samples. Xin Xin, Fajie YUAN, Xiangnan He and Joemon Jose.

  • Subword Regularization: Improving Neural Network Translation Models with Multiple Subword Candidates. Taku Kudo.

  • Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification. Jeremy Howard and Sebastian Ruder.

  • Interactive Language Acquisition with One-shot Visual Concept Learning through a Conversational Game. Haichao Zhang, Haonan Yu and Wei Xu.

  • Self-regulation: Employing a Generative Adversarial Network to Improve Event Detection. Yu Hong, Wenxuan Zhou, jingli zhang, Guodong Zhou and Qiaoming Zhu.

  • Improving Knowledge Graph Embedding Using Simple Constraints. Boyang Ding, Quan Wang, Bin Wang and Li Guo.

  • Taylor's law for Human Linguistic Sequences. Tatsuru Kobayashi and Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii.

  • A Structured Variational Autoencoder for Morphological Inflection. Ryan Cotterell, Jason Naradowsky, Sebastian J. Mielke and Lawrence Wolf-Sonkin.

  • Strong Baselines for Neural Semi-supervised Learning under Domain Shift. Sebastian Ruder and Barbara Plank.

  • TutorialBank: Using a Manually-Collected Corpus for Prerequisite Chains, Survey Extraction and Resource Recommendation. Alexander Fabbri, Irene Li, Prawat Trairatvorakul, Yijiao He, Weitai Ting, Robert Tung, Caitlin Westerfield and Dragomir Radev.

  • Probabilistic FastText for Multi-Sense Word Embeddings. Ben Athiwaratkun, Andrew Wilson and Anima Anandkumar.

  • Forest-Based Neural Machine Translation. Chunpeng Ma, Akihiro Tamura, Masao Utiyama, Tiejun Zhao and Eiichiro Sumita.

  • An End-to-end Approach for Handling Unknown Slot Values in Dialogue State Tracking. Puyang Xu and Qi Hu.

  • Implicational Universals in Stochastic Constraint-Based Phonology. Giorgio Magri.

  • A Neural Architecture for Automated ICD Coding. Pengtao Xie and Eric Xing.

  • Segmentation Independent Chinese NER Using Lattice LSTM. Yue Zhang and Jie Yang.

  • Fluency Boost Learning and Inference for Neural Grammatical Error Correction. Tao Ge, Furu Wei and Ming Zhou.

  • Semantic Parsing with Syntax- and Table-Aware SQL Generation. Yibo Sun, Duyu Tang, Nan Duan, Jianshu Ji, Guihong Cao, Xiaocheng Feng, Bing Qin, Ting Liu and Ming Zhou.

  • Entity-Duet Neural Ranking: Understanding the Role of Knowledge Graph Semantics in Neural Information Retrieval. Zhenghao Liu, Chenyan Xiong, Maosong Sun and Zhiyuan Liu.

  • DuoRC: Towards Complex Language Understanding with Paraphrased Reading Comprehension. Amrita Saha, Rahul Aralikatte, Mitesh M. Khapra and Karthik Sankaranarayanan.

  • Denoising Distantly Supervised Open-Domain Question Answering. Yankai Lin, Haozhe Ji, Zhiyuan Liu and Maosong Sun.

  • Eyes are the Windows to the Soul: Predicting the Rating of Text Quality Using Gaze Behaviour. Sandeep Mathias, Diptesh Kanojia, Kevin Patel, Samarth Agrawal, Abhijit Mishra and Pushpak Bhattacharyya.

  • Question Condensing Networks for Answer Selection in Community Question Answering. Wei Wu, Xu SUN and Houfeng WANG.

  • A Stylometric Inquiry into Hyperpartisan News and Fake News. Martin Potthast, Johannes Kiesel, Kevin Reinartz, Janek Bevendorff and Benno Stein.

  • Paraphrase to Explicate: Revealing Implicit Noun-Compound Relations. Vered Shwartz and Ido Dagan.

  • Incorporating Glosses into Neural Word Sense Disambiguation. Fuli Luo, Tianyu Liu, Qiaolin Xia, Baobao Chang and Zhifang Sui.

  • Embedding Learning Through Multilingual Concept Induction. Philipp Dufter, Mengjie Zhao, Martin Schmitt, Alexander Fraser and Hinrich Schütze.

  • Global-Locally Self-Attentive Encoder for Dialogue State Tracking. Victor Zhong, Caiming Xiong and Richard Socher.

  • Learning to Control the Specificity in Neural Response Generation. Ruqing Zhang, Jiafeng Guo, Yixing Fan, Yanyan Lan, Jun Xu and Xueqi Cheng.

  • Unsupervised Discrete Sentence Representation Learning for Interpretable Neural Dialog Generation. Tiancheng Zhao, Kyusong Lee and Maxine Eskenazi.

  • Object-oriented Neural Programming (OONP) for Document Understanding. Zhengdong Lu, Xianggen Liu, Haotian Cui, Yukun Yan and Daqi Zheng.

  • Attention Focusing for Neural Machine Translation by Bridging Source and Target Embeddings. Shaohui Kuang, Junhui Li, António Branco, Weihua Luo and Deyi Xiong.

  • No Metrics Are Perfect: Adversarial Reward Learning for Visual Storytelling. Xin Wang, Wenhu Chen, Yuan-Fang Wang and William Yang Wang.

  • A Unified Model for Extractive and Abstractive Summarization using Inconsistency Loss. Wan-Ting Hsu, Chieh-Kai Lin, Ming-Ying Lee, Kerui Min, Jing Tang and Min Sun.

  • A Graph-to-Sequence Model for AMR-to-Text Generation. Linfeng Song, Yue Zhang, Zhiguo Wang and Daniel Gildea.

  • Confidence Modeling for Neural Semantic Parsing. Li Dong, Chris Quirk and Mirella Lapata.

  • Disconnected Recurrent Neural Networks for Text Categorization. Baoxin Wang.

  • Nugget Proposal Networks for Chinese Event Detection. Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han and Le Sun.

  • Prefix Lexicalization of Synchronous CFGs using Synchronous TAG. Logan Born and Anoop Sarkar.

  • Tailored Sequence to Sequence Models to Different Conversation Scenarios. Hainan Zhang, Yanyan Lan, Jiafeng Guo, Jun Xu and Xueqi Cheng.

  • Bilingual Sentiment Embeddings: Joint Projection of Sentiment Across Languages. Jeremy Barnes, Roman Klinger and Sabine Schulte im Walde.

  • Evaluating neural network explanation methods using hybrid documents and morphosyntactic agreement. Nina Poerner, Hinrich Schütze and Benjamin Roth.

  • Coarse-to-Fine Decoding for Neural Semantic Parsing. Li Dong and Mirella Lapata.

  • Personalizing Dialogue Agents: I have a dog, do you have pets too?. Saizheng Zhang, Emily Dinan, Jack Urbanek, Arthur Szlam, Douwe Kiela and Jason Weston.

  • Zero-Shot Transfer Learning for Event Extraction. Lifu Huang, Heng Ji, Kyunghyun Cho, Ido Dagan, Sebastian Riedel and Clare Voss.

  • Extractive Summarization with SWAP-NET: Sentences and Words from Alternating Pointer Networks. Aishwarya Jadhav and Vaibhav Rajan.

  • Morphosyntactic Tagging with a Meta-BiLSTM Model over Context Sensitive Token Encodings. Bernd Bohnet, Ryan McDonald, Gonçalo Simões, Daniel Andor, Emily Pitler and Joshua Maynez.

  • Document Similarity for Texts of Varying Lengths via Hidden Topics. Hongyu Gong, Tarek Sakakini, Suma Bhat and JinJun Xiong.

  • Neural Document Summarization by Jointly Learning to Score and Select Sentences. Qingyu Zhou, Nan Yang, Furu Wei, Shaohan Huang, Ming Zhou and Tiejun Zhao.

  • Neural Sparse Topical Coding. Min Peng, Qianqian Xie, Yanchun Zhang, Hua Wang, Xiuzhen Zhang, Jimin Huang and Gang Tian.

  • Illustrative Language Understanding: Large-Scale Visual Grounding with Image Search. Jamie Kiros, William Chan and Geoffrey Hinton.

  • Sentence-State LSTM for Text Representation. Yue Zhang, Qi Liu and Linfeng Song.

  • Inherent Biases in Reference-based Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction. Leshem Choshen and Omri Abend.

  • Guess Me if You Can: Acronym Disambiguation for Enterprises. Yang Li, Bo Zhao, Ariel Fuxman and Fangbo Tao.

  • Simple and Effective Multi-Paragraph Reading Comprehension. Christopher Clark and Matt Gardner.

  • Discourse Marker Augmented Network with Reinforcement Learning for Natural Language Inference. Boyuan Pan, Yazheng Yang, Zhou Zhao, Yueting Zhuang, Deng Cai and Xiaofei He.

  • Weakly Supervised Semantic Parsing with Abstract Examples. Omer Goldman, Veronica Latcinnik, Ehud Nave, Amir Globerson and Jonathan Berant.

  • Transformation Networks for Target-Oriented Sentiment Classification. Xin Li, Lidong Bing, Wai Lam and Bei Shi.

  • Adaptive Scaling for Sparse Detection in Information Extraction. Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han and Le Sun.

  • Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification with Target Domain Specific Information. Minlong Peng, Qi Zhang, Yu-gang Jiang and Xuanjing Huang.

  • Domain Adaptation with Adversarial Training and Graph Embeddings. Firoj Alam, Shafiq Joty and Muhammad Imran.

  • Discourse Coherence: Concurrent Explicit and Implicit Relations. Hannah Rohde, Alexander Johnson, Nathan Schneider and Bonnie Webber.

  • Two Methods for Domain Adaptation of Bilingual Tasks: Delightfully Simple and Broadly Applicable. Viktor Hangya, Fabienne Braune, Alexander Fraser and Hinrich Schütze.

  • Hierarchical Losses and New Resources for Fine-grained Entity Typing and Linking. Shikhar Murty, Patrick Verga, Luke Vilnis, Irena Radovanovic and Andrew McCallum.

  • Multitask Parsing Across Semantic Representations. Daniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport.

  • Robust Distant Supervision via Deep Reinforcement Learning. Pengda Qin, Weiran XU and William Yang Wang.

  • Stock Movement Prediction from Tweets and Historical Prices. Yumo Xu and Shay B. Cohen.

  • Finding syntax in human encephalography with beam search. John Hale, Chris Dyer, Adhiguna Kuncoro and Jonathan Brennan.

  • Discourse Representation Structure Parsing. Jiangming Liu, Shay B. Cohen and Mirella Lapata.

  • Mem2Seq: Effectively Incorporating Knowledge Bases into End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialog Systems. Andrea Madotto, Chien-Sheng Wu and Pascale Fung.

  • Mining Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities in Social Media. Yuchen Lin, Frank F. Xu, Kenny Zhu and Seung-won Hwang.

  • Simple and Effective Text Simplification using Semantic and Neural Methods. Elior Sulem, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport.

  • Improving Entity Linking by Modeling Latent Relations between Mentions. Phong Le and Ivan Titov.

  • Neural Natural Language Inference Models Enhanced with External Knowledge. Qian Chen, Xiaodan Zhu, Zhen-Hua Ling, Diana Inkpen and Si Wei.

  • Automatic Metric Validation for Grammatical Error Correction. Leshem Choshen and Omri Abend.

  • Retrieve, Rerank and Rewrite: Soft Template Based Neural Summarization. Ziqiang Cao, Wenjie Li, Sujian Li and Furu Wei.

  • Language Modeling for Code-Mixing: The Role of Linguistic Theory based Synthetic Data. Adithya Pratapa, Gayatri Bhat, Monojit Choudhury, Sunayana Sitaram, Sandipan Dandapat and Kalika Bali.

  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Testing Statistical Significance in Natural Language Processing. Rotem Dror, Gili Baumer, Segev Shlomov and Roi Reichart.

  • Unsupervised Learning of Distributional Relation Vectors. Shoaib Jameel, Zied Bouraoui and Steven Schockaert.

  • On the Limitations of Unsupervised Bilingual Dictionary Induction. Anders Søgaard, Sebastian Ruder and Ivan Vulić.

  • Knowledge Diffusion for Neural Dialogue Generation. Shuman Liu, Hongshen Chen, Zhaochun Ren, Yang Feng, Qun Liu and Dawei Yin.

  • Improving a Neural Semantic Parser by Counterfactual Learning from Human Bandit Feedback. Carolin Lawrence and Stefan Riezler.

  • Identifying Transferable Information Across Domains for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification. Raksha Sharma, Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Sandipan Dandapat and Himanshu Sharad Bhatt.

  • From Credit Assignment to Entropy Regularization: Two New Algorithms for Neural Sequence Prediction. Zihang Dai, Qizhe Xie and Eduard Hovy.

  • Generating Informative Responses with Controlled Sentence Function. Pei Ke, Jian Guan, Minlie Huang and xiaoyan zhu.

  • Multi-Passage Machine Reading Comprehension with Cross-Passage Answer Verification. Yizhong Wang, Kai Liu, Jing Liu, Wei He, Yajuan Lyu, Hua Wu, Sujian Li and Haifeng Wang.

  • Joint Training of Candidate Extraction and Answer Selection in Reading Comprehension. Zhen Wang, Jiachen Liu, Xinyan Xiao, Yajuan Lyu and Tian Wu.

  • Retrieving the Best Counterargument without Prior Topic Knowledge. Henning Wachsmuth, Shahbaz Syed and Benno Stein.

  • Higher-order Relation Schema Induction using Tensor Factorization with Back-off and Aggregation. Madhav Nimishakavi, Manish Gupta and Partha Talukdar.

  • Coherence Modeling of Asynchronous Conversations: A Neural Entity Grid Approach. Shafiq Joty, Muhammad Tasnim Mohiuddin and Dat Tien Nguyen.

  • AMR dependency parsing with a typed semantic algebra. Jonas Groschwitz, Matthias Lindemann, Meaghan Fowlie, Mark Johnson and Alexander Koller.

  • Discovering Implicit Knowledge with Unary Relations. Michael Glass and Alfio Gliozzo.

  • Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation Learns Anaphora Resolution. Elena Voita, Pavel Serdyukov, Rico Sennrich and Ivan Titov.

  • Visual Attention Model for Name Tagging in Multimodal Social Media. Di Lu, Leonardo Neves, Vitor Carvalho, Ning Zhang and Heng Ji.

  • Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Gated Convolutional Networks. Wei Xue and Tao Li.

  • Ultra-Fine Entity Typing. Eunsol Choi, Omer Levy, Yejin Choi and Luke Zettlemoyer.

  • What you can cram into a single $&!#* vector: Probing sentence embeddings for linguistic properties. Alexis Conneau, Germán Kruszewski, Guillaume Lample, Loïc Barrault and Marco Baroni.

  • A Multi-lingual Multi-task Architecture for Low-resource Sequence Labeling. Ying Lin, Shengqi Yang, Veselin Stoyanov and Heng Ji.

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning for Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution. Qingyu Yin, Yu Zhang, Wei-Nan Zhang, Ting Liu and William Yang Wang.

  • Numeracy for Language Models: Evaluating their Ability to Predict Numbers. Georgios Spithourakis and Sebastian Riedel.

  • Efficient and Robust Question Answering from Minimal Context over Documents. Sewon Min, Victor Zhong, Caiming Xiong and Richard Socher.

  • Bridging CNNs, RNNs, and Weighted Finite-State Machines. Roy Schwartz, Sam Thomson and Noah A. Smith.

  • Sequence-to-sequence Models for Cache Transition Systems. Xiaochang Peng, Linfeng Song, Daniel Gildea and Giorgio Satta.

  • Neural Argument Generation Augmented with Externally Retrieved Evidence. Xinyu Hua and Lu Wang.

  • Character-Level Models versus Morphology in Semantic Role Labeling. Gozde Gul Sahin and Mark Steedman.

  • Composing Finite State Transducers on GPUs. Arturo Argueta and David Chiang.

  • Generating Fine-Grained Open Vocabulary Entity Type Descriptions. Rajarshi Bhowmik and Gerard de Melo.

  • A Purely End-to-End System for Multi-speaker Speech Recognition. Hiroshi Seki, Takaaki Hori, Shinji Watanabe, Jonathan Le Roux and John R Hershey.

  • Straight to the Tree: Constituency Parsing with Neural Syntactic Distance. Yikang Shen, Zhouhan Lin, Athul Paul Jacob, Alessandro Sordoni, Aaron Courville and Yoshua Bengio.

  • On the Automatic Generation of Medical Imaging Reports. Baoyu Jing, Pengtao Xie and Eric Xing.

  • Reliability and Learnability of Human Bandit Feedback for Sequence-to-Sequence Reinforcement Learning. Julia Kreutzer, Joshua Uyheng and Stefan Riezler.

  • MojiTalk: Generating Emotional Responses at Scale. Xianda Zhou and William Yang Wang.

  • Adversarial Contrastive Estimation. Avishek Bose, huan ling and Yanshuai Cao.

  • Harvesting Paragraph-level Question-Answer Pairs from Wikipedia. Xinya Du and Claire Cardie.

  • Unsupervised Abstractive Meeting Summarization with Multi-Sentence Compression and Budgeted Submodular Maximization. Guokan Shang, Wensi Ding, Zekun Zhang, Antoine Tixier, Polykarpos Meladianos, Michalis Vazirgiannis and Jean-Pierre Lorré.

  • Joint Embedding of Words and Labels for Text Classification. Guoyin Wang, Chunyuan Li, Wenlin Wang, Yizhe Zhang, Dinghan Shen, Xinyuan Zhang, Ricardo Henao and Lawrence Carin.

  • Document Modeling with External Attention for Sentence Extraction. Shashi Narayan, Ronald Cardenas, Nikos Papasarantopoulos, Shay B. Cohen, Mirella Lapata, Jiangsheng Yu and Yi Chang.

  • The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Recent Advances in Neural Machine Translation. Mia Xu Chen, Orhan Firat, Ankur Bapna, Melvin Johnson, Wolfgang Macherey, George Foster, Llion Jones, Mike Schuster, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Ashish Vaswani, Jakob Uszkoreit, Lukasz Kaiser, Zhifeng Chen, Yonghui Wu and Macduff Hughes.

  • Distilling Knowledge for Search-based Structured Prediction. Yijia Liu, Wanxiang Che, Huaipeng Zhao, Bing Qin and Ting Liu.

  • On Simple Word-Embedding-Based Models and Associated Pooling Mechanisms. Dinghan Shen, Guoyin Wang, Wenlin Wang, Martin Renqiang Min, Qinliang Su, Yizhe Zhang, Chunyuan Li, Ricardo Henao and Lawrence Carin.

  • NASH: Toward End-to-End Neural Architecture for Generative Semantic Hashing. Dinghan Shen, Qinliang Su, Paidamoyo Chapfuwa, Wenlin Wang, Guoyin Wang, Ricardo Henao and Lawrence Carin.

  • AMR Parsing as Graph Prediction with Latent Alignment. Chunchuan Lyu and Ivan Titov.

  • Rumor Detection on Twitter with Tree-structured Recursive Neural Networks. Jing Ma, Wei Gao and Kam-Fai Wong.

  • Towards Robust Neural Machine Translation. Yong Cheng, Zhaopeng Tu, Fandong Meng, Junjie Zhai and Yang Liu.

  • Learning Translations via Images: A Large Multilingual Dataset and Comprehensive Study. John Hewitt, Daphne Ippolito, Brendan Callahan, Reno Kriz, Derry Tanti Wijaya and Chris Callison-Burch.

  • Isomorphic Transfer of Syntactic Structures in Cross-Lingual NLP. Edoardo Maria Ponti, Roi Reichart, Anna Korhonen and Ivan Vulić.

  • A Framework for Representing Language Acquisition in a Population Setting. Jordan Kodner and Christopher Cerezo Falco.

  • A Helping Hand: Transfer Learning for Deep Sentiment Analysis. Xin Dong and Gerard de Melo.

  • Stochastic Answer Networks for Machine Reading Comprehension. Xiaodong Liu, Yelong Shen, Kevin Duh and Jianfeng Gao.

  • CHIA : A Cleaned, Hypernymed, Image Alt-text Dataset For Learning Image Captions. Piyush Sharma, Nan Ding, Sebastian Goodman and Radu Soricut.

  • Improving Text-to-SQL Evaluation Methodology. Catherine Finegan-Dollak, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Li Zhang, Karthik Ramanathan Dhanalakshmi Ramanathan, Sesh Sadasivam, Rui Zhang and Dragomir Radev.

  • Mind the GAP: A Balanced Corpus of Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns. Kellie Webster, Marta Recasens, Vera Axelrod and Jason Baldridge.

  • Multi-Input Attention for Unsupervised OCR Correction. Rui Dong and David Smith.

  • Learning to Generate Move-by-Move Commentary for Chess Games from Large-Scale Social Forum Data. Harsh Jhamtani, Varun Gangal, Eduard Hovy, Graham Neubig and Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick.

  • Deep Dyna-Q: Integrating Planning for Task-Completion Dialogue Policy Learning. Baolin Peng, Xiujun Li, Jianfeng Gao, Jingjing Liu and Kam-Fai Wong.

  • Deep-speare: A joint neural model of poetic language, meter and rhyme. Jey Han Lau, Trevor Cohn, Timothy Baldwin, Julian Brooke and Adam Hammond.

  • A Multi-Axis Annotation Scheme for Event Temporal Relations. Qiang Ning, Hao Wu and Dan Roth.

  • Context-Aware Neural Model for Temporal Information Extraction. Yuanliang Meng and Anna Rumshisky.

  • Joint Reasoning for Temporal and Causal Relations. Qiang Ning, Zhili Feng, Hao Wu and Dan Roth.

  • Subword-level Word Vector Representations for Korean. Sungjoon Park, Jeongmin Byun, Sion Baek, Yongseok Cho and Alice Oh.

  • Extending a Parser to Distant Domains Using a Few Dozen Partially Annotated Examples. Vidur Joshi, Matthew Peters and Mark Hopkins.

  • NeuralREG: An end-to-end approach to referring expression generation. Thiago Castro Ferreira, Diego Moussallem, Ákos Kádár, Sander Wubben and Emiel Krahmer.

  • Obtaining Reliable Human Ratings of Valence, Arousal, and Dominance for 20,000 English Words. Saif Mohammad.

  • Using Intermediate Representations to Solve Math Word Problems. Danqing Huang, Jin-Ge Yao, Chin-Yew Lin, Qingyu Zhou and Jian Yin.

  • Not that much power: Linguistic alignment is influenced more by low-level linguistic features rather than social power. Yang Xu, Jeremy Cole and David Reitter.

  • Adversarial Training for Textual Entailment with Knowledge-Guided Examples. Dongyeop Kang, Tushar Khot, Ashish Sabharwal and Eduard Hovy.

  • Reasoning with Sarcasm by Reading In-Between. Yi Tay, Anh Tuan Luu, Siu Cheung Hui and Jian Su.

  • Temporal Event Knowledge Acquisition via Identifying Narratives. Wenlin Yao and Ruihong Huang.

  • Neural Models for Documents with Metadata. Dallas Card, Chenhao Tan and Noah A. Smith.

  • Efficient Large-Scale Domain Classification with Personalized Attention. Young-Bum Kim, Dongchan Kim, Anjishnu Kumar and Ruhi Sarikaya.

  • Comprehensive Supersense Disambiguation of English Prepositions and Possessives. Nathan Schneider, Jena D. Hwang, Vivek Srikumar, Jakob Prange, Austin Blodgett, Sarah R. Moeller, Aviram Stern, Adi Bitan and Omri Abend.

  • Did the Model Understand the Question?. Pramod Kaushik Mudrakarta, Ankur Taly, Mukund Sundararajan and Kedar Dhamdhere.

  • Learning How to Actively Learn: A Deep Imitation Learning Approach. Ming Liu, Wray Buntine and Gholamreza Haffari.

  • LSTMs Can Learn Syntax-Sensitive Dependencies Well, But Modeling Structure Makes Them Better. Adhiguna Kuncoro, Chris Dyer, John Hale, Dani Yogatama, Stephen Clark and Phil Blunsom.

  • Fast Abstractive Summarization with Reinforce-Selected Sentence Rewriting. Yen-Chun Chen and Mohit Bansal.

  • Situated Mapping of Sequential Instructions to Actions with Single-step Reward Observation. Alane Suhr and Yoav Artzi.

  • TDNN: A Two-stage Deep Neural Network for Prompt-independent Automated Essay Scoring. Cancan Jin, Ben He, Kai Hui and Le Sun.

  • A Spatial Model for Extracting and Visualizing Latent Discourse Structure in Text. Shashank Srivastava and Nebojsa Jojic.

  • Word Embedding and WordNet Based Metaphor Identification and Interpretation. Rui Mao, Chenghua Lin and Frank Guerin.

  • Think Visually: Question Answering through Virtual Imagery. Ankit Goyal, Jian Wang and Jia Deng.

  • Document Context Neural Machine Translation with Memory Networks. Sameen Maruf and Gholamreza Haffari.

  • Sharp Nearby, Fuzzy Far Away: How Neural Language Models Use Context. Urvashi Khandelwal, He He, Peng Qi and Dan Jurafsky.

  • Global Transition-based Non-projective Dependency Parsing. Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Tianze Shi and Lillian Lee.

  • Improving Event Coreference Resolution by Modeling Correlations between Event Coreference Chains and Document Topic Structures. Prafulla Kumar Choubey and Ruihong Huang.

  • Searching for the X-Factor: Exploring Corpus Subjectivity for Word Embeddings. Maksim Tkachenko, Chong Cher Chia and Hady Lauw.

  • Attacking Visual Language Grounding with Adversarial Examples: A Case Study on Neural Image Captioning. Hongge Chen, Huan Zhang, Pin-Yu Chen, Jinfeng Yi and Cho-Jui Hsieh.

  • Learning to Ask Good Questions: Ranking Clarification Questions using Neural Expected Value of Perfect Information. Sudha Rao and Hal Daumé III.

  • Backpropagating through Structured Argmax using a SPIGOT. Hao Peng, Sam Thomson and Noah A. Smith.

  • Stack-Pointer Networks for Dependency Parsing. Xuezhe Ma, Zecong Hu, Jingzhou Liu, Nanyun Peng, Graham Neubig and Eduard Hovy.

  • Hierarchical Neural Story Generation. Angela Fan, Mike Lewis and Yann Dauphin.

  • Multi-Relational Question Answering from Narratives: Machine Reading and Reasoning in Simulated Worlds. Igor Labutov, Bishan Yang, Anusha Prakash and Amos Azaria.

  • Style Transfer Through Back-Translation. Shrimai Prabhumoye, Yulia Tsvetkov, Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Alan W Black.

  • Graph-to-Sequence Learning using Gated Graph Neural Networks. Daniel Beck, Gholamreza Haffari and Trevor Cohn.

  • Twitter Universal Dependency Parsing for African-American and Mainstream American English. Su Lin Blodgett, Johnny Wei and Brendan O'Connor.

  • Incorporating Chinese Characters of Words for Lexical Sememe Prediction. Huiming Jin, Hao Zhu, Ruobing Xie, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Fen Lin and Leyu Lin.

  • Unpaired Sentiment-to-Sentiment Translation Using Cycled Reinforcement Learning. Jingjing Xu, Xu SUN, Qi Zeng, Xiaodong Zhang, Xuancheng Ren, Houfeng Wang and Wenjie Li.

  • A Stochastic Decoder for Neural Machine Translation. Philip Schulz, Wilker Aziz and Trevor Cohn.

  • ParaNMT: Pushing the Limits of Paraphrastic Sentence Embeddings with Millions of Machine Translations. John Wieting and Kevin Gimpel.

  • Semi-supervised User Geolocation via Graph Convolutional Networks. Afshin Rahimi, Trevor Cohn and Timothy Baldwin.

  • Soft Layer-Specific Multi-Task Summarization with Entailment and Question Generation. Han Guo, Ramakanth Pasunuru and Mohit Bansal.

  • A robust self-learning method for fully unsupervised cross-lingual mappings of word embeddings. Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka and Eneko Agirre.

  • Efficient Online Scalar Annotation with Bounded Support. Keisuke Sakaguchi and Benjamin Van Durme.

  • Constituency Parsing with a Self-Attentive Encoder. Nikita Kitaev and Dan Klein.

  • To Attend or not to Attend: A Case Study on Syntactic Structures for Semantic Relatedness. Amulya Gupta and Zhu Zhang.

  • What Action Causes This? Towards Naive Physical Cause-Effect Prediction. Qiaozi Gao, Shaohua Yang, Joyce Chai and Lucy Vanderwende.

  • Pre- and In-Parsing Models for Neural Empty Category Detection. Yufei Chen, Yuanyuan Zhao, Weiwei Sun and Xiaojun Wan.

  • Training Classifiers with Natural Language Explanations. Braden Hancock, Paroma Varma, Stephanie Wang, Percy Liang and Christopher Ré.

  • Building Language Models for Text with Named Entities. Md Rizwan Parvez, Saikat Chakraborty, Baishakhi Ray and Kai-Wei Chang.

  • Target-Sensitive Memory Networks for Aspect Sentiment Classification. Shuai Wang, Sahisnu Mazumder, Bing Liu, Mianwei Zhou and Yi Chang.

  • Let's do it ``again'': A First Computational Approach to Detecting Adverbial Presupposition Triggers. Andre Cianflone, Yulan Feng, Jad Kabbara and Jackie Chi Kit Cheung.

  • Accelerating Neural Transformer via an Average Attention Network. Biao Zhang, Deyi Xiong and jinsong su.

  • Learning Domain-Sensitive and Sentiment-Aware Word Embeddings. Bei Shi, Zihao Fu, Lidong Bing and Wai Lam.

  • hyperdoc2vec: Distributed Representations of Hypertext Documents. Jialong Han, Yan Song, Wayne Xin Zhao, Shuming Shi and Haisong Zhang.

  • Zero-shot Concept Learning from Natural Language Quantification. Shashank Srivastava, Igor Labutov and Tom Mitchell.

  • Accurate SHRG-Based Semantic Parsing. Yufei Chen, Weiwei Sun and Xiaojun Wan.

  • Semantically Equivalent Adversarial Rules for Debugging NLP models. Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Sameer Singh and Carlos Guestrin.

  • A Distributional and Orthographic Aggregation Model for Derivational Morphology. Daniel Deutsch, John Hewitt and Dan Roth.

  • Multimodal Named Entity Disambiguation for Noisy Social Media Posts. Seungwhan Moon, Leonardo Neves and Vitor Carvalho.

  • Towards Understanding Geometry of Knowledge Graph Embeddings. Chandrahas Dewangan, Aditya Sharma and Partha Talukdar.

  • A Corpus with Multi-Level Annotations of Patients, Interventions and Outcomes to Support Language Processing for Medical Literature. Benjamin Nye, Jessy Li, Roma Patel, Yinfei Yang, Iain Marshall, Ani Nenkova and Byron Wallace.

  • Sentiment Adaptive End-to-End Dialog Systems. Weiyan Shi and Zhou Yu.

  • Learning Prototypical Goal Activities for Locations. Tianyu Jiang and Ellen Riloff.

  • Hybrid Contextualized Sentiment Classification with Cold-start Aware User and Product Attention. Reinald Kim Amplayo, Jihyeok Kim, Sua Sung and Seung-won Hwang.

  • Multi-Granularity Hierarchical Attention Fusion Networks for Reading Comprehension and Question Answering. Wei Wang, ming yan and Chen Wu.

  • How Much Attention Do You Need? A Granular Analysis of Neural Machine Translation Architectures. Tobias Domhan.

  • SemAxis: A Lightweight Framework to Characterize the Manifold of Domain-Specific Word Semantics Beyond Sentiment. Jisun An, Haewoon Kwak and Yong-Yeol Ahn.

  • Textual Deconvolution Saliency (TDS) : a deep tool box for linguistic analysis. Laurent Vanni, Mélanie Ducoffe, Carlos Aguilar, Frederic Precioso and Damon Mayaffre.

  • Large-Scale QA-SRL Parsing. Nicholas FitzGerald, Julian Michael, Luheng He and Luke Zettlemoyer.

  • Marrying up Regular Expressions with Neural Networks: A Case Study for Spoken Language Understanding. Bingfeng Luo, Yansong Feng, Zheng Wang, Songfang Huang, Rui Yan and Dongyan Zhao.

  • Neural Factor Graph Models for Cross-lingual Morphological Tagging. Chaitanya Malaviya, Matthew R. Gormley and Graham Neubig.

  • Classification of Moral Foundations in Microblog Political Discourse. Kristen Johnson and Dan Goldwasser.

  • DSGAN: Generative Adversarial Training for Robust Distant Supervision Relation Extraction. Pengda Qin, Weiran XU and William Yang Wang.

  • LinkNBed: Multi-Graph Representation Learning with Entity Linkage. Rakshit Trivedi, Bunyamin Sisman, Xin Luna Dong, Christos Faloutsos, Jun Ma and Hongyuan Zha.

  • A La Carte Embeddings: Cheap but Effective Induction of Semantic Feature Vectors. Mikhail Khodak, Nikunj Saunshi, Yingyu Liang, Tengyu Ma, Brandon Stewart and Sanjeev Arora.

  • Gaussian Mixture Latent Vector Grammars. Yanpeng Zhao, Liwen Zhang and Kewei Tu.

  • Language Generation via DAG Transduction. Yajie Ye, Weiwei Sun and Xiaojun Wan.

  • Exemplar Encoder-Decoder for Neural Conversation Generation. Gaurav Pandey, Danish Contractor, Vineet Kumar and Sachindra Joshi.

  • Token-level and sequence-level loss smoothing for RNN language models. Maha ELBAYAD, Laurent Besacier and Jakob Verbeek.

  • Explicit Retrofitting of Distributional Word Vectors. Goran Glavaš and Ivan Vulić.

  • Multimodal Affective Analysis Using Hierarchical Attention Strategy with Word-Level Alignment. Yue Gu, Kangning Yang, Shiyu Fu, Shuhong Chen, Xinyu Li and Ivan Marsic.

  • Constraining MGbank: Agreement, L-Selection and Supertagging in Minimalist Grammars. John Torr.

  • GTR-LSTM: A Triple Encoder for Sentence Generation from RDF Data. Bayu Distiawan Trisedya, Jianzhong Qi, Rui Zhang and Wei Wang.

  • Human Multimodal Language in the Wild: A Novel Dataset and Interpretable Dynamic Fusion Model. AmirAli Bagher Zadeh, Paul Pu Liang, Soujanya Poria, Erik Cambria and Louis-Philippe Morency.

  • DialSQL: Dialogue Based Structured Query Generation. Izzeddin Gur, Semih Yavuz, Yu Su and Xifeng Yan.

  • Probabilistic Embedding of Knowledge Graphs with Box Lattice Measures. Luke Vilnis, Xiang Li, Shikhar Murty and Andrew McCallum.

  • Interpretable and Compositional Relation Learning by Joint Training with an Autoencoder. Ryo Takahashi, Ran Tian and Kentaro Inui.

  • Can We Obtain Cheaper Unbiased Evaluation of Natural Language Generation using Control Variates?. Arun Chaganty, Stephen Mussmann and Percy Liang.

  • Entity-Centric Joint Modeling of Japanese Coreference Resolution and Predicate Argument Structure Analysis. Tomohide Shibata and Sadao Kurohashi.

  • Learning to Write with Cooperative Discriminators. Ari Holtzman, Jan Buys, Maxwell Forbes, Antoine Bosselut, David Golub and Yejin Choi.

  • Modeling Naive Psychology of Characters in Simple Commonsense Stories. Hannah Rashkin, Antoine Bosselut, Maarten Sap, Kevin Knight and Yejin Choi.

  • Efficient Low-rank Multimodal Fusion With Modality-Specific Factors. Zhun Liu, Ying Shen, Varun Bharadhwaj Lakshminarasimhan, Paul Pu Liang, AmirAli Bagher Zadeh and Louis-Philippe Morency.

  • Which Melbourne? Augmenting Geocoding with Maps. Milan Gritta, Mohammad Taher Pilehvar and Nigel Collier.

  • A Model for Deliberative Discussions in Wikipedia. Khalid Al Khatib, Henning Wachsmuth, Kevin Lang, Jakob Herpel, Matthias Hagen and Benno Stein.

  • An Annotated Corpus for Scoring in Student Essays. Winston Carlile, Nishant Gurrapadi, Zixuan Ke and Vincent Ng.

  • Neural Adversarial Training for Semi-supervised Japanese Predicate-argument Structure Analysis. Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi.

  • Conversations Gone Awry: Detecting Early Signs of Conversational Failure. Justine Zhang, Jonathan Chang, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Lucas Dixon, Yiqing Hua, Dario Taraborelli and Nithum Thain.

  • Working Memory Networks: Augmenting Memory Networks with a Relational Reasoning Module. Juan Pavez, Hector Alllende and Hector Allende-Cid.

  • Enhancing Cloze-Style Reading Comprehension with External Common Knowledge using Explicit Key-Value Memory. Todor Mihaylov and Anette Frank.

  • Event2Mind: Commonsense Inference on Events, Intents, and Reactions. Maarten Sap, Hannah Rashkin, Emily Allaway, Noah A. Smith and Yejin Choi.

  • Computational Modeling of Review Helpfulness. Gerardo Ocampo Diaz and Vincent Ng.

  • Are BLEU and Meaning Representation in Opposition?. Ondřej Cífka and Ondřej Bojar.

  • Syntax for Semantic Role Labeling, To Be, Or Not To Be. Shexia He, Zuchao Li, Hai Zhao and Hongxiao Bai.

  • Dating Documents using Graph Convolution Networks. Shikhar Vashishth, Swayambhu Nath Ray, Shib Sankar Dasgupta and Partha Talukdar.

  • A Neural Approach to Pun Generation. Zhiwei Yu, Jiwei Tan and Xiaojun Wan.


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