Natural Language Processing By Chris Manning And Dan jurafsky 第0篇

Natural Language Processing By Chris Manning And Dan jurafsky 第0篇


  1. Natural Language Processing By Chris Manning And Dan jurafsky
  2. Michael Collins的自然语言处理
  3. cs224n








编辑距离:编辑距离(Edit Distance),又称Levenshtein距离,是指两个字串之间,由一个转成另一个所需的最少编辑操作次数。许可的编辑操作包括将一个字符替换成另一个字符,插入一个字符,删除一个字符。一般来说,编辑距离越小,两个串的相似度越大。



So, this space of all possible sequences is enormous. So we can't afford to navigate naively in this, in this sequence. And the intuition of solving this problem of lots of possible sequences is some of these paths wind up at the same state. So, we don't have to keep track of every way of transforming one string into another if the second

pieces of the set are identical. All we have to keep is the shortest path to every revisited state. (其实就是不用去进行全局序列对比,只要使用局部序列对比就可以了)


So let's look at an example of how this works, we are gonna to define minimum edit distance formally as, for two strings. You have string X of length N and string Y of length M. We'll define a distance matrix D(i, j). And that will be the edit distance between the first i characters, one through i, of X and the first j characters, one through j, of string Y. So that's what's in that's what's defined by D(i, j). And so, the distance between the entire two strings is gonna be D(N, M) because the strings are of length N and M. So that's our definition of minimum added distance.





D(1,1) = min({D(0, 1) + 1, D(1, 0) + 1, D(0, 0) + 2}) = 2

一开始看这个表格我有点懵逼,但其实是这样的,先看上面没有结果的图,然后来计算D(1, 1)这个空应该填什么,首先是D(0,1)和D(1,0)的值,都为1,横轴是i, 纵轴是j, D(i, 0), D(0, j)的值就是i和j对应的值。所以D(0,1) = D(1,0) = 1, 那么根据上面的公式,D(1, 1) = D(0, 0) + 2, 那D(0, 0)是为0的,那么S(i=1) = E, S(j=1) = I, 这两个字母是不相等的,所以要加2

再来看一个例子,D(1, 2) = min({D(0, 2) + 1, D(1, 1) + 1, D(0, 1) + 2}) = min({2 + 1, 2 + 1, 1 + 2}) = 3



Knowing the edit distance between two strings is important but it turns out not be sufficient, We often need something more which is the alignment between two strings. We wanna know which symbol in string x corresponds to which symbol in string y and this is gonna be important for any application we have, for often from spell checking to machine translation even in computation biology.


The way we compute this alignment is we keep a back trace. A back trace is simply a pointer.


看一下D(1,1), D(1, 2), D(1, 3)这三个空格对应的路径值2, 3, 4是怎么来的,在之前计算2,3,4这3个值时,是来自3个方向,因为3个方向得出来的值都是3

Computing the backtrace very simple. We take our same minimum edit algorithm that we have seen and here I have labelled the cases for you. So when we are looking

at a cell we're deleting, inserting or substituting and we simply add pointers. So in a case where we are inserting we point left and in a case where we are deleting we point down and in a case where I am substituting we point diagonally. I have shown you that arrow on the previous slide.



接下来看下时间复杂度,空间复杂度,由于是m*n的矩阵,所以时间空间复杂度都为O(nm), 至于Backtrace的最差情况,如果有N deletions, M insertions, 所以就是N plus M.







给了2个字符串string1, string2, 找到最小的步数将string1转换成string2, 对于每个字符可以有3种操作:

  • 插入一个字符
  • 删除一个字符
  • 替换一个字符



假设,a 的长度是 m,b 的长度是 n,要求 a[1]a[2]...a[m] => b[1]b[2]...b[n] 的最小编辑距离,记为 d[m][n]。

  1. 如果 a[m] === b[n],那么问题转化为求解:a[1]a[2]...a[m-1] => b[1]b[2]...b[n-1] 的最小编辑距离,因此 d[m][n] === d[m-1][n-1]。比如,"xyz" => "pqz" 的最小编辑距离等于 "xy" => "pq" 的最小编辑距离。
  2. 如果 a[m] !== b[n],又分为三种情况:
  • 比如,"xyz" => "efg" 的最小编辑距离等于 "xy" => "efg" 的最小编辑距离 + 1(因为允许插入操作,插入一个 "z"),抽象的描述便是 d[m][n] === d[m-1][n] + 1。
  • 比如,"xyz" => "efg" 的最小编辑距离等于 "xyzg" => "efg" 的最小编辑距离 + 1,且因为最后一个字符都是 "g",根据第一个判断条件,可以再等于 "xyz" => "ef" 的最小编辑距离 + 1,因此,得到结论:"xyz" => "efg" 的最小编辑距离等于 "xyz" => "ef" 的最小编辑距离 + 1,抽象的描述便是:d[m][n] === d[m][n-1] + 1。
  • 比如,"xyz" => "efg" 的最小编辑距离等于 "xyg" => "efg" 的最小编辑距离 + 1(因为允许替换操作,可以把 "g" 换成 "z"),再等于 "xy" => "ef" 的编辑距离 + 1(根据第一个判断条件),抽象的描述便是: d[m][n] === d[m-1][n-1] + 1。
  • 上述三种情况都有可能出现,因此,取其中的最小值便是整体上的最小编辑距离

3. 如果 a 的长度为 0,那么 a => b 的最小编辑距离为 b 的长度;反过来,如果 b 的长度为0,那么 a => b 的最小编辑距离为 a 的长度。


#! python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def edit_distance(a, b, i, j):
    :param a: 字符串a
    :param b: 字符串b
    :param i: 字符串a的长度
    :param j: 字符串b的长度
    if i == 0:
        return j
    elif j == 0:
        return i
    elif a[i-1] == b[j-1]:
        return edit_distance(a, b, i-1, j-1)
    elif a[i-1] != b[j-1]:
        condition_0 = edit_distance(a, b, i-1, j) + 1
        condition_1 = edit_distance(a, b, i, j-1) + 1
        condition_2 = edit_distance(a, b, i-1, j-1) + 1
        return min([condition_0, condition_1, condition_2])
    elif i == 0 and j == 0:
        return 0

def main():
    res = edit_distance('abc', 'abc', 3, 3)
if __name__ == '__main__':

接下来就是用动态递归去解决编辑距离,只不过动态递归的逻辑和递归的逻辑是反的,递归的逻辑是:“要求得 d[m][n],先要求得 d[m-1][n-1]……”,动态规划的逻辑是:“先求得 d[m-1][n-1],再求 d[m][n]……”这是它们的主要区别。举个例子,在已知 d[0][0],d[0][1],d[1][0] 的前提下,要求 d[1][1]:

  1. 如果 a[1] === b[1],那么 d[1][1] 等于 d[0][0],也就是 0;
  2. 如果 a[1] !== b[1],那么 d[1][1] 等于 d[0][1]、d[1][0] 和 d[0][0] 三者中的最小值 + 1,也就是 1。

接着用同样的方式,可以求得 d[1][2]、d[1][3]、……、d[1][n],然后继续求得 d[2][1]、d[2][2]、……、d[2][n],一直到 d[m][n]。


def dynamic_edit_distance(a, b):
    :param a: 字符串a
    :param b: 字符串b
    a_length = len(a)
    b_length = len(b)
    x = np.zeros(shape=(a_length+1, b_length+1), dtype='int32')

    for i in range(a_length+1):
        x[i][0] = i

    for j in range(b_length+1):
        x[0][j] = j


    for i in range(1, a_length+1):
        for j in range(1, b_length+1):
            if a[i-1] == b[j-1]:
                x[i][j] = x[i-1][j-1]
                x[i][j] = min([x[i-1][j]+1, x[i][j-1]+1, x[i-1][j-1]+1])

    return x[a_length][b_length]




ashishg	e	ashishg@stanford.edu
ashishg	e	rozm@stanford.edu
ashishg	p	650-723-1614
ashishg	p	650-723-4173
ashishg	p	650-814-1478
balaji	e	balaji@stanford.edu
bgirod	p	650-723-4539
bgirod	p	650-724-3648
bgirod	p	650-724-6354
cheriton	e	cheriton@cs.stanford.edu
cheriton	e	uma@cs.stanford.edu
cheriton	p	650-723-1131
cheriton	p	650-725-3726
dabo	e	dabo@cs.stanford.edu
dabo	p	650-725-3897
dabo	p	650-725-4671
dlwh	e	dlwh@stanford.edu
engler	e	engler@lcs.mit.edu
engler	e	engler@stanford.edu
eroberts	e	eroberts@cs.stanford.edu
eroberts	p	650-723-3642
eroberts	p	650-723-6092
fedkiw	e	fedkiw@cs.stanford.edu
hager	e	hager@cs.jhu.edu
hager	p	410-516-5521
hager	p	410-516-5553
hager	p	410-516-8000
hanrahan	e	hanrahan@cs.stanford.edu
hanrahan	p	650-723-0033
hanrahan	p	650-723-8530
horowitz	p	650-725-3707
horowitz	p	650-725-6949
jks	e	jks@robotics.stanford.edu
jurafsky	e	jurafsky@stanford.edu
jurafsky	p	650-723-5666
kosecka	e	kosecka@cs.gmu.edu
kosecka	p	703-993-1710
kosecka	p	703-993-1876
kunle	e	darlene@csl.stanford.edu
kunle	e	kunle@ogun.stanford.edu
kunle	p	650-723-1430
kunle	p	650-725-3713
kunle	p	650-725-6949
lam	e	lam@cs.stanford.edu
lam	p	650-725-3714
lam	p	650-725-6949
latombe	e	asandra@cs.stanford.edu
latombe	e	latombe@cs.stanford.edu
latombe	e	liliana@cs.stanford.edu
latombe	p	650-721-6625
latombe	p	650-723-0350
latombe	p	650-723-4137
latombe	p	650-725-1449
levoy	e	ada@graphics.stanford.edu
levoy	e	melissa@graphics.stanford.edu
levoy	p	650-723-0033
levoy	p	650-724-6865
levoy	p	650-725-3724
levoy	p	650-725-4089
manning	e	dbarros@cs.stanford.edu
manning	e	manning@cs.stanford.edu
manning	p	650-723-7683
manning	p	650-725-1449
manning	p	650-725-3358
nass	e	nass@stanford.edu
nass	p	650-723-5499
nass	p	650-725-2472
nick	e	nick.parlante@cs.stanford.edu
nick	p	650-725-4727
ok	p	650-723-9753
ok	p	650-725-1449
ouster	e	teresa.lynn@stanford.edu
ouster	e	ouster@cs.stanford.edu
pal	e	pal@cs.stanford.edu
pal	p	650-725-9046
psyoung	e	patrick.young@stanford.edu
rajeev	p	650-723-4377
rajeev	p	650-723-6045
rajeev	p	650-725-4671
rinard	e	rinard@lcs.mit.edu
rinard	p	617-253-1221
rinard	p	617-258-6922
serafim	e	serafim@cs.stanford.edu
serafim	p	650-723-3334
serafim	p	650-725-1449
shoham	e	shoham@stanford.edu
shoham	p	650-723-3432
shoham	p	650-725-1449
subh	e	subh@stanford.edu
subh	e	uma@cs.stanford.edu
subh	p	650-724-1915
subh	p	650-725-3726
subh	p	650-725-6949
thm	e	pkrokel@stanford.edu
thm	p	650-725-3383
thm	p	650-725-3636
thm	p	650-725-3938
tim	p	650-724-9147
tim	p	650-725-2340
tim	p	650-725-4671
ullman	e	support@gradiance.com
ullman	e	ullman@cs.stanford.edu
ullman	p	650-494-8016
ullman	p	650-725-2588
ullman	p	650-725-4802
vladlen	e	vladlen@stanford.edu
widom	e	siroker@cs.stanford.edu
widom	e	widom@cs.stanford.edu
widom	p	650-723-0872
widom	p	650-723-7690
widom	p	650-725-2588
zelenski	e	zelenski@cs.stanford.edu
zelenski	p	650-723-6092
zelenski	p	650-725-8596
zm	e	manna@cs.stanford.edu
zm	p	650-723-4364
zm	p	650-725-4671

这是给定的最终结果,第一列是文件名,第二列是类别,e代表email, p代表号码,第三列是正则提取的结果。

上面这些目录就是包含文本的文件,所以任务就是利用正则将文本全部按照给定的结果给抽取出来。作业版本是python2, 根据写的正则表达式会去计算True Positives, False Positives, False Negatives这些值。这里介绍一下机器学习里的True Positive, True Negative, False Positive, False Negative这四个概率,以及衍生的计算公式。


  • TP: 将正类预测为正类数;
  • FN: 将正类预测为负类数;
  • FP: 将负类预测为正数类;
  • TN: 将负类预测为负数类;


P = \frac{TP}{TP + FP}


R = \frac{TP}{TP+FN}

此外,还有 F_1 值,是精准率和召回率的调和均值,即

\frac{2}{F} = \frac{1}{P} + \frac{1}{R}

精准率和召回率都高时, F_1 值也会高

这些概念还是挺常见的,在这里主要是有提到一下,作业里的目标是这样的,Your goal, then, is to reduce the number of false positives and negatives to zero.

它这里显示的初始结果是这样,最终目标就是将false positives和false negatives的数量减为零

#! python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import re
import pprint

# my_first_pat = '(\w+)@(\w+).edu'
# email_pat = '(\w+)@(\w+).edu|(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu|(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu|(\w+)\.(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu|(\w+)\.(\w+)@(\w+).edu|(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu'
# email_pat = '(?=(\w+)@(\w+).edu)(?=(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu)(?=(\w+)\.(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu)(?=(\w+)\.(\w+)@(\w+).edu)(?=(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu)'
# email_pat_0 = '(\w+)@(\w+).edu'
# email_pat_1 = '(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu'
# email_pat_2 = '(\w+)\.(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu'
# email_pat_3 = '(\w+)\.(\w+)@(\w+).edu'
# email_pat_4 = '(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+).edu'
# phone_pat = '\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
my_email_pattern = r'''
                                                   # pattern for email
        (([\w-]+|[\w-]+\.[\w-]+)                   # hanks, justin.hanks, hanks-, justin-hanks-
        (\s.?\(f.*y.*)?                            # followed by 
        (\s?(@|&.*;)\s?|\s(at|where)\s)            # @, @ , at , where ,@,
        ([\w-]+|[\w-]+([\.;]|\sdo?t\s|\s)[\w-]+)   # gmail., ics.bjtu, ics;bjtu, ics dot bjtu, -ics-bjtu-
        ([\.;]|\s(do?t|DOM)\s|\s)                  # ., ;, dot , dt , DOM
        (-?e-?d-?u|com)\b)                         # .edu, .com, -e-d-u
        (obfuscate\('(\w+\.edu)','(\w+)'\))        # obfuscate('stanford.edu','jurafsky')             
my_phone_pattern = r'''
                         # pattern for phone
        \(?(\d{3})\)?    # area code is 3 digits, e.g. (650), 650
        [ -]?            # separator is - or space or nothing, e.g. 650-XXX, 650 XXX, (650)XXX
        (\d{3})          # trunk is 3 digits, e.g. 800
        [ -]             # separator is - or space
        (\d{4})          # rest of number is 4 digits, e.g. 0987
        \D+              # should have at least one non digit character at the end

This function takes in a filename along with the file object (actually
a StringIO object at submission time) and
scans its contents against regex patterns. It returns a list of
(filename, type, value) tuples where type is either an 'e' or a 'p'
for e-mail or phone, and value is the formatted phone number or e-mail.
The canonical formats are:
     (name, 'p', '###-###-#####')
     (name, 'e', 'someone@something')
If the numbers you submit are formatted differently they will not
match the gold answers

NOTE: ***don't change this interface***, as it will be called directly by
the submit script

NOTE: You shouldn't need to worry about this, but just so you know, the
'f' parameter below will be of type StringIO at submission time. So, make
sure you check the StringIO interface if you do anything really tricky,
though StringIO should support most everything.

# def process_file(name, f):
#     # note that debug info should be printed to stderr
#     # sys.stderr.write('[process_file]\tprocessing file: %s\n' % (path))
#     res = []
#     for line in f:
#         email_matches_0 = re.findall(email_pat_0, line)
#         email_matches_1 = re.findall(email_pat_1, line)
#         email_matches_2 = re.findall(email_pat_2, line)
#         email_matches_3 = re.findall(email_pat_3, line)
#         email_matches_4 = re.findall(email_pat_4, line)
#         # email = None
#         for m in email_matches_0:
#             email = '%s@%s.edu' % m
#             res.append((name, 'e', email))
#         for m in email_matches_1:
#             email = '%s@%s.%s.edu' % m
#             res.append((name, 'e', email))
#         for m in email_matches_2:
#             email = '%s.%s@%s.%s.edu' % m
#             res.append((name, 'e', email))
#         for m in email_matches_3:
#             email = '%s.%s@%s.edu' % m
#             res.append((name, 'e', email))
#         for m in email_matches_4:
#             email = '%s@%s.%s.edu' % m
#             res.append((name, 'e', email))
#         # res.append((name, 'e', email))
#         phone_matches = re.findall(phone_pat, line)
#         for m in phone_matches:
#             res.append((name, 'p', m))
#     return res

def process_file(name, f):
    # note that debug info should be printed to stderr
    # sys.stderr.write('[process_file]\tprocessing file: %s\n' % (path))
    res = []
    for line in f:
        # match email
        matches = re.findall(my_email_pattern, line, re.VERBOSE | re.I)
        for m in matches:
            email = ""
            if len(m[-1]) != 0:
                email = '%s@%s' % (m[-1], m[-2])
                if m[1] == "Server":
                    # skip "server at" sentence
                email = '%s@%s.%s' % (m[1].replace("-", ""),
                                      m[6].replace(";", ".")
                                      .replace(" dot ", ".")
                                      .replace("-", "")
                                      .replace(" ", "."),
                                      m[-4].replace("-", ""))
            res.append((name, 'e', email))

        # match phone number
        matches = re.findall(my_phone_pattern, line, re.VERBOSE)
        for m in matches:
            phone = '%s-%s-%s' % m
            res.append((name, 'p', phone))

    return res

You should not need to edit this function, nor should you alter
its interface as it will be called directly by the submit script
def process_dir(data_path):
    # get candidates
    guess_list = []
    for fname in os.listdir(data_path):
        if fname[0] == '.':
        path = os.path.join(data_path,fname)
        f = open(path,'r')
        f_guesses = process_file(fname, f)
    return guess_list

You should not need to edit this function.
Given a path to a tsv file of gold e-mails and phone numbers
this function returns a list of tuples of the canonical form:
(filename, type, value)
def get_gold(gold_path):
    # get gold answers
    gold_list = []
    f_gold = open(gold_path,'r')
    for line in f_gold:
    return gold_list

You should not need to edit this function.
Given a list of guessed contacts and gold contacts, this function
computes the intersection and set differences, to compute the true
positives, false positives and false negatives.  Importantly, it
converts all of the values to lower case before comparing
def score(guess_list, gold_list):
    guess_list = [(fname, _type, value.lower()) for (fname, _type, value) in guess_list]
    gold_list = [(fname, _type, value.lower()) for (fname, _type, value) in gold_list]
    guess_set = set(guess_list)
    gold_set = set(gold_list)

    tp = guess_set.intersection(gold_set)
    fp = guess_set - gold_set
    fn = gold_set - guess_set

    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
    #print 'Guesses (%d): ' % len(guess_set)
    #print 'Gold (%d): ' % len(gold_set)
    print('True Positives (%d): ' % len(tp))
    print('False Positives (%d): ' % len(fp))
    print('False Negatives (%d): ' % len(fn))
    print('Summary: tp=%d, fp=%d, fn=%d' % (len(tp), len(fp), len(fn)))

You should not need to edit this function.
It takes in the string path to the data directory and the
gold file
def main(data_path, gold_path):
    guess_list = process_dir(data_path)
    gold_list = get_gold(gold_path)
    score(guess_list, gold_list)

commandline interface takes a directory name and gold file.
It then processes each file within that directory and extracts any
matching e-mails or phone numbers and compares them to the gold file
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        # 当没有加参数的时候 python SpamLord.py
        main('../data/dev', '../data/devGOLD')
    elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
        # 当加了两个参数的时候 python SpamLord.py dev devGOLD
        main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
        print('usage:\tSpamLord.py <data_dir> <gold_file>')


编辑于 2018-05-09 18:01