[美剧] 南城警事/Southland 全集第1季第1集剧

[美剧] 南城警事/Southland 全集第1季第1集剧

[美剧] 南城警事/Southland 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

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John Cooper是一位经验丰富的资深当地警察,奉命指导警队新人Ben Sherman。Coo[展开全文]


John Cooper是一位经验丰富的资深当地警察,奉命指导警队新人Ben Sherman。Cooper对本职工作的认真负责,对警察职责的忠诚严肃让Sherman印象深刻,但同时也让他多少有些怀疑自己是否适合或者能够胜任一名警务人员。John Cooper和Ben Sherman的同事还包括女警Lydia Adams和她的搭档警探Russell Clarke,Lydia Adams与母亲住在一起,照顾母亲是她生活的重中之重,而Russell Clarke是个婚姻不幸的男人,一人照看三个孩子。

刑事侦探组则有成员警探Daniel "Sal" Salinger,Nate Moretta和Sammy Bryant,其中Moretta和Bryant是Daniel "Sal" Salinger的下属,听从Sal的指挥。另外还有一名女巡警Chickie Brown,这是一位单身母亲却有着远大的理想,有朝一日能成为洛杉矶市警察局特种装备与战术小队(SWAT)的第一位女性成员一直激励着她前进。

本剧演员阵容整齐,甚至可谓星光熠熠,三大艾美奖得主John Wells、Ann Biderman和Chris Chulack联袂加盟,昔日《橘子郡男孩The O.C.》红星Benjamin McKenzie的出演相信亦给本剧带来不小的新收视群,虽然或许本剧不会有什么离奇曲折的惊天大案,不会有什么激烈火爆的打斗枪战,不过能够接档NBC收视王牌《急诊室ER》,由曾打造过《白宫风云The West Wing》金牌制作人John Wells坐镇,相信本剧定有其不凡之处。


You okay, son? You okay, son?! Ben Sherman just finished phase one of his probationary training.


He still needed to have his daily book signed by his training officer.

=> 他仍然需要由他的训练官员签署他的每日书籍。

The night had not gone well.

=> 夜晚没有好转。

Look sharp.

=> 看起来很锋利

Act sharp.

=> 行事尖锐。

Be sharp.

=> 锋利。

These guys coming out of prison, they're buff and on drugs.

=> 这些家伙从监狱里出来,他们都很好,还有毒品。

You do what they teach you in the academy, you will die.

=> 你做他们在学院教你的东西,你会死的。

Knucklehead wants to take your gun.

=> Knucklehead想拿你的枪。

So, if it's you or some you take his ass down any way you can.

=> 所以,如果是你或者某个人,你可以用任何方式把他的屁股都扯下来。

You ride with me, you back your badge.

=> 你和我一起骑,你回来了你的徽章。

Great, that's all I need.

=> 太棒了,这就是我所需要的。

Nice little staph infection.

=> 好的小葡萄球菌感染。

Detective over at Central, she's gonna lose her foot.

=> 在中环的侦探,她会失去她的脚。

It's going around.

=> 它正在四处走动。

Roll down your window.

=> 滚下你的窗户。

- You left the academy a mounth ago? - Yes, sir.

=> 你刚才离开了学院吗? - 是的先生。

- You know your penal codes? - Yes, sir.

=> - 你知道你的刑法? - 是的先生。

What's a 203? - Mayhem, sir.

=> 什么是203? - 混乱,先生。

- Mayhem I get this mayhem one time, go over to Killer King, there's this guy with a little tent over his genitals.

=> - 混乱我有一次这个混乱,去杀手王,这家伙有一个小帐篷在他的生殖器。

Doc keeps, you know, signaling for me to look under there.

=> Doc保持,你知道,信号让我看看那里。

This guy had scooped out his nuts with a spoon.

=> 这家伙用勺子挖出了坚果。

He said they'd gotten him into trouble his whole life.

=> 他说他们一生都让他陷入困境。

So, I took a Polaroid, right? Put the picture in my pocket.

=> 所以,我拿了一个宝丽来,对不对?把照片放在我的口袋里。

Captain shows up.

=> 队长出现了

You know what he says? "Make sure you attach the picture to the report.

=> 你知道他说什么吗? “确保你把图片添加到报告中。

" What are you? Canadian? Great Barry the Basehead he's spun.



=> 冰毒。

It gives him that disheveled look.

=> 这让他看起来很凌乱。

Hey, hey, shitbird, how you doing? A friend of mine has a kitten, and it won't come off the roof.

=> 嘿,嘿,鸟,你好吗?我的一个朋友有一只小猫,它不会从屋顶上掉下来。

Yeah, well, usually a cat gets up on its own, it can get down on its own.

=> 是的,好吧,通常一只猫自己起来,它可以自行消失。

No, man, my friend threw it up there.

=> 不,男人,我的朋友把它扔在那里。

You are too stupid to live.

=> 你太笨了,不能活下去。

Get out of here.

=> 离开这里。

Asshole rodeo.

=> 混蛋牛仔。

Hey, you can't take my phone.

=> 嘿,你不能拿我的电话。

- Stop wiggin.

=> - 停止wiggin。

I'm gonna just borrow it.

=> 我要去借它。

- I'm calling Ma! So, call her.

=> - 我打电话给马所以给她打电话

Try to explain to her why you still at home on a school day.

=> 试着向她解释你为什么还在家上学。

I got strep throat and that girl you texting with is a ho.

=> 我得到了喉咙,你发短信的那个女孩是一个ho。

Chill, li'l sis.

=> 冷静点点头。

I hate you! No, I did not have a woman in the car with me.

=> 我恨你!不,我没有一个女人在车里。

I can't talk about this now.

=> 我现在不能谈论这个。

I gotta go.

=> 我要走了。

Hey, Brian.

=> 嘿,布赖恩。

Yeah? You closed Suarez? - He copped out to you? - I read the transcripts.

=> 是吗?你关了苏亚雷斯?他给你安排了? - 我读了成绩单。

He confessed telephonically.

=> 他通电话交代。

- Excellent.

=> - 优秀。

- What'd I miss? - Anything good happen? - Didn't you deport that little "Droopy" - from over at Leimert Park? - Miguel Ramos.

=> - 我错过了什么? - 有什么好事发生? - 你不是从莱梅特公园过来的那个小小的“Droopy”? - 米格尔·拉莫斯

- What happened? - He - raped and murdered this girl Friday.

=> - 发生了什么?他星期五强奸了这个女孩。

- Well, God bless America.

=> - 上帝保佑美国。

- How was Cancun? - It was good.

=> - 坎昆怎么样? - 这很好。

If I ever talk about marriage again, tell me to go out, find a chick I don't like and buy her a house instead.

=> 如果我再次谈论婚姻,告诉我出去,找一个我不喜欢的小妞,给她买个房子。

- Sammy's wife just kicked him out.

=> - 萨米的妻子把他踢出去了。

- The first marriage? Don't even count.

=> - 第一次婚姻?别算了。

That's a starter marriage.

=> 这是一个先发婚姻。

Didn't you, didn't you take that crazy bomb dog, had a breakdown? Drug dog, Richter.

=> 你不是,你没有拿那个疯狂的炸弹狗,有故障吗?毒犬,里希特。

He's doing better.

=> 他做得更好。

We put him on medication for Delayed Stress Syndrome.

=> 我们把他服用了延缓性压力综合征。

My wife? Hates him though.

=> 我的太太?恨他虽然。

I'm almost there.

=> 我快到了。

Hey, cuz, where you from? I don't bang.

=> 嘿,因为你从哪里来?我不砰。

They said they didn't see anything.

=> 他们说他们什么都看不到

And they're crying because? - Bring them in.

=> 他们在哭,因为? - 把他们带进去

- You guys wanna know how to stop all this gang-bangin'? Then start giving them all free marijuana.

=> - 你们想知道如何阻止所有这些帮派 - 巴冈?然后开始给他们所有的免费大麻。

If not, we're gonna see this shit over and over and over again.

=> 如果没有,我们会一遍又一遍地看到这个狗屎。

- Thank you, sir.

=> - 谢谢你,先生。

- That's all you keep saying.

=> - 这就是你一直说的。

We'll see that with the city council.

=> 我们会和市议会一起看

- I promise you.

=> - 我答应你。

- I wanna see this stop! I turned my back for one minute.

=> - 我想看看这站!我背了一分钟。

I mean, one minute, you know? - She plays there all the time.

=> 我的意思是,一分钟,你知道吗? - 她一直在那里玩。

- Are you high?! Are you?! - What did you do with her?! - I didn't do anything! No, no, where is my daughter?! Ms.

=> - 你高吗?你是?! - 你和她做了什么? - 我什么都没做不,不,我的女儿在哪里?女士。

Davis, I'm Detective Adams.

=> 戴维斯,我是亚当斯的侦探。

I can only imagine how upsetting this is for you.

=> 我只能想象这是多么的令人不安。

We're doing everything that we can to find Kayla.

=> 我们正在尽我们所能找到Kayla。

Sometimes kids just wander off.

=> 有时孩子们只是漫步。

You gotta be kidding me.

=> 你得开玩笑吧

Light him up.

=> 点燃他。

- Get out of the car.

=> - 从车里出去。

- Why do I have to get out of the car? Get out of the car now, numbnuts.

=> - 为什么我不得不离开汽车?现在出车,麻布。

- Know who my father is? - Why? Your mother didn't tell you? Step to the curb.

=> - 知道我的父亲是谁? - 为什么?你母亲没有告诉你?走到路边。

Dude, - you became an actor? - I'm not an actor.

=> 老兄 - 你成了演员? - 我不是演员。

- I'm being punk'd, right? - Search the car.

=> - 我被朋克了,对吧? - 搜索汽车。

You can't search my car without just cause.


You're watching way too much TV, dude.

=> 你看电视太多了,老兄。

Put your hands on the car, palms down; spread your legs.

=> 把手放在车上,手心向下;展开你的腿。

- What, you're arresting me? - What are the charges? No charge.

=> - 什么,你逮捕我? - 什么是收费?免费。

The services of the LAPD are free for you.

=> LAPD的服务是免费的。

You're a dick! Cops have feelings too, you know? Now I'm gonna need a hug.

=> 你是一个家伙!警察也有感觉,你知道吗?现在我需要一个拥抱。

Hook him up.

=> 把他挂起来

Hey, Ben, right? Can you help me out here, dude? Fine, I'll hire your dad.

=> 嘿,本,对吧?你能帮我吗,伙计?好的,我会聘请你的爸爸。

He'll come bail me out.

=> 他会把我救出来的

He know you're doing this? He must be real proud.

=> 他知道你在做这个?他一定是真正的骄傲。

When is somebody gonna claim this kid? He's got no ID.

=> 什么时候有人会要求这个孩子?他没有身份证件。

Does the tattoo tell you anything? He a Blood? Is I don't think so.

=> 纹身告诉你什么?他是血?我不这么认为。

I'm gonna get you something hot to drink.

=> 我要给你点热饮。

What would you like? Hurry, hurry.

=> 你喜欢什么?快点快点。

- We know this girl.

=> 我们知道这个女孩

- Give her a hot tea with some honey.

=> - 给她一点蜂蜜的热茶。

We know this girl.

=> 我们知道这个女孩。

We like her very much.

=> 我们非常喜欢她。

Always playing.

=> 总是玩。

We say hello and so forth.

=> 我们问好,等等。

What we can do to help? - Is there anything we can do to help? - I'm sorry.

=> 我们可以做些什么来帮助? - 有什么我们可以帮忙的吗? - 对不起。

My son Arsham.

=> 我的儿子阿舍姆。

I am Agata.

=> 我是Agata。

We live right here.

=> 我们住在这里

- Do not hesitate.

=> - 不要犹豫。

- Thank you.

=> - 谢谢。

And if you see anything, just let us know.

=> 如果你看到任何东西,只要告诉我们。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

I seen her just last night coming home with her dad and she had on this, this heavy bookbag on her shoulders and it was weighing her down, so, she was walking real slow.

=> 昨天晚上,我看到她和爸爸一起回家,她把这个沉重的书包放在肩上,这让她失望了,所以她走得很慢。

I mean, they're real heavy nowadays.

=> 我的意思是,现在真的很沉重。

- You ever notice that? - I'm thinking that she's a little kid.

=> - 你注意到了吗?我在想她是个小孩

I mean, why do they have to lug all that heavy crap around? Why can't her dad just carry it? She was little for her age.

=> 我的意思是,他们为什么要把那些沉重的垃圾拖出来呢?为什么爸爸不能把它拿走?她年纪不大。

Kids nowadays are so developed.

=> 现在的孩子是如此发达。

But she wasn't.

=> 但是她没有。

She She looked like a little kid.

=> 她看起来像个小孩子。

You guys are all being so helpful.

=> 你们都很有帮助

You think I can get your names down here just in case I need to contact you? Hey, what do you call two female officers in a squad car? A tuna boat.

=> 你以为我可以把你的名字放在这里,以防万一我需要联系你?嘿,你在一个班车里叫两个女警官呢?金枪鱼船。

Hey, Chickie's thinking about going to SWAT.

=> 嘿,Chickie想要去SWAT。

She should go to SWAT.

=> 她应该去特警。

She rocks.

=> 她非常棒哦。

How many times you win Baker to Vegas? - Four.

=> 你赢了多少次贝克到拉斯维加斯? - 四。

- Four times.

=> - 四次。

It's this relay race in the desert.

=> 这是在沙漠中的接力赛。

Chickie's our star.

=> 奇凯是我们的明星。

All units: we have a critical missing.

=> 所有单位:我们有一个严重的失踪。

A ten-year-old white female, last seen at Fountain and Virgil wearing a pink tank top, tan skirt, and pink sneakers.

=> 一位十岁的白人女性,最后一次在喷泉和维吉尔身上穿着粉红色的背心,棕褐色的裙子和粉红色的运动鞋。

Clear us from code seven.

=> 从代码7中清除我们。

Show us handling.

=> 告诉我们处理。

- Later, guys.

=> - 后来,伙计们。

- See you guys.

=> - 见到你们

Why don't you get an all-female SWAT while you're at it? So you can just get people together and nag suspects till they come out.

=> 你为什么不在一个全女性SWAT的时候呢?所以你可以把人们聚集在一起,唠叨嫌疑犯,直到他们出来。

Dewey, shut up.

=> 杜威,闭嘴。

You're giving me a headache.

=> 你让我头痛。

You really think you can drag a 200-pound man out of bad scene? - With all his gear and his weapons? - Keep it up, Dewey.


编辑于 2018-08-03 16:25