钢铁雄心4开发日志 | 10/3 两栖载具和科研变动

钢铁雄心4开发日志 | 10/3 两栖载具和科研变动

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译

HOI4 Dev Diary - Amphibious Vehicles and Research

Podcat, Oberkommando HOI4

Hi everyone! Another wednesday means its diary time! Today we will be talking about some quite big balance changes to tech as well as some new... watery toys.


Amphibious Armored Vehicles


With Man the Guns we are adding two new classes of vehicles. Amphibious Tractors (AMTRACs) and Amphibious Tanks. AMTRACs were built in large quantities and used both in the Pacific by US Marines with good success as well as in Europe during major river crossings such as the Allied crossing of the Rhine. An AMTRAC is a amphibious tracked vehicle that offers soldiers protection, and depending on model, firepower when conducting landings.

炮手就位Man the Guns里我们加入了两种全新的载具:履带登陆车Amphibious Tractors (AMTRACs)两栖坦克Amphibious Tanks。履带登陆车曾经进行过大量生产,不仅在太平洋战区的马润们手里成功打出了风采,同时也在欧洲战场盟军的几个主要渡河行动里发挥了重要作用,比如强渡莱茵河的行动。一辆AMTRAC,是一辆可以为士兵提供保护的两栖履带载具,同时根据其型号的不同,甚至能在登陆的时候提供火力支援。


For heavier armor and firepower, amphibious tanks were developed. The allies used quite a lot of the Duplex Drive Shermans during D-Day. The idea was that the tanks would swim to the beach, then drive on to assault the German fortifications. The Sherman DD itself had some design problems, as it was designed for only 30cm high waves… which aren't exactly rare at sea. Many of them were also unloaded from their landing ships much too far out and sunk in the waves. Some beaches had good results, but for example Omaha beach was a disaster where most of them were lost. The Germans also planned for tanks for Operation Sealion, but experimented with snorkels and driving along the bottom instead. These were instead used during Barbarossa. The Japanese went more in the direction of attachable "flotation parts" with the Ka-Mi and Ka-chi tanks, making them look like tiny little warships. They never got the same large scale testings as the American tanks, but to me at least, seem to have been a more reasonable technical solution.

对更坚固装甲与更强劲火力的追求激发了两栖坦克的开发。盟军在诺曼底登陆期间动用了相当多的复合驱动Duplex Drive的谢尔曼。当时他们寻思的是让坦克游到海滩,然后接着向前开进攻击汉斯们的防御工事。谢尔曼DD本身也存在一些设计问题,因为它被设计成只能承受30厘米高的海浪...而这在海上并不算罕见。它们当中的许多辆坦克也因自登陆舰入水的位置离岸太远而最终沉入了海浪中。尽管在有些登陆滩上两栖坦克发挥的效果很好,但在位于例如奥马哈等海滩上的表现就是一场灾难,绝大部分坦克都失损了。德国人也曾计划为海狮行动专门设计坦克,不过和美国人不同,他们借用通气管来让坦克拥有在海底行驶的能力并进行了试验。不过这些坦克最后实际投入到了巴巴罗萨行动中。日本人更倾向于开发可附加在载具上的“漂浮部件”,像特二式内火艇和特三式内火艇那样,这让它们看起来像微型战舰。它们就从未有过像美国那样的大规模测试,但至少对我来说,这似乎是一个更合理的技术方案。


These things combined means that you can design divisions to punch through heavily defended landing sites. Quite useful late game! These divisions are also great for when the enemy has fortified across a large river. On the flip side they are quite expensive to make, less fuel efficient and a little slower for what you get so you should have some plan for them before investing. Amphibious vehicle battalions also use your special forces limit, just like marines.


Man the Guns comes with 10 unique 3d models for the amphibious tanks:

炮手就位Man the Guns里面会有10个独有的两栖坦克3D模型:

The mechanized infantry AMTRACs can be found in the Infantry tech tab while the Amphibious tanks are a branch of light tanks (the tier 2 amphibious tanks are close in stats to the 1939 medium tanks):


Research Changes


We are changing up some things when it comes to technologies as well. Because we have been steadily adding more, and are adding a bunch more with Man the Guns, we will be adjusting the base research speed to be faster. Probably something like +10%, but we haven’t locked that down yet.

说到科技,我们一直在对其做一些改动。因为我们已经稳定持续地,并且仍正在给炮手就位Man the Guns增添新的内容,而我们将调整基础研究的速度,让它变得更快。大概是+10%左右,但我们还没有敲定最终数值。

We are also changing how the formula works for calculating how long it takes to research things. Instead of a research bonus lowering the cost of the research, bonuses now affect the speed of research. This means that an old -50% cost modifier is roughly the same as a +100% speed modifier now. I say roughly because speed modifiers stack a lot better and in less odd ways when there are many of them. This essentially means that you can no longer get instant techs by stacking various modifiers, just really fast research.


We have also changed how ahead of time works and the Ahead of Time Bonuses from focuses etc. no longer give you a percentage off, but a number of years off. This is important because it makes certain tech rush strategies where you simply bypass much of the tree by chaining ahead of time bonuses not work. We feel that these things will make things play a lot saner, and stop ahead of time researching to be banned in some MP groups.


降低超前惩罚时间2年并提供100%研究加成。对以下1项研究有效:IAR 80。

The other change we are doing is to allow certain techs to get a bonus from XP. All doctrines as well as certain modules like torpedoes get a research boost when spending XP on them. This does two things for us: On the one hand we are not happy that one of your research slots is basically always locked to land doctrine research, and also the fact that we don't really want nations to have maxed out their doctrines by the start of the war. So doctrines now get a bit slower to research, but by spending XP (benefitting the nations we want to have an edge here, like the axis) you will be researching faster than before. The other thing is to model certain stuff that were notoriously hard to get working right, like torpedoes, which for some periods of time had something like a majority failing to actually detonate when hitting a target. We want nations who get to see action here or dedicate training time on it to have a bit more of an edge.

我们正在做的另一个改动是允许某些科技从三军经验XP中获得加成。所有的军事学说,以及像鱼雷这样的模组部件来说,你在上面花费XP就能够加速研究。这有两个作用: 一方面,我们不喜欢看见玩家的一个研究槽位基本上总是锁定给陆军学说研究,同时我们也不希望国家在战争开始前就把他们的学说点完。所以现在的学说研究变得比以前更慢了,但是通过使用XP(让某些我们希望能在这里取得优势的国家受益,比如轴心国),实际研究速度会比以前更快。另一方面是模拟一些众所周知的难以正常运作的东西,比如鱼雷这种在一段时期内大多数击中目标时却根本没能引爆的玩意儿。我们希望那些在这方面采取行动的国家,或者在这方面投入训练时间的国家,能有更多的优势。

That's it for this time! Do not miss that we are starting streaming of Man the Guns gameplay today, so tune in to see the new USA tree at 16:00 CET at twitch.tv/paradoxintera

这些就是今天的内容了!记住不要错过我们今天对炮手就位Man the Guns里面游戏玩法变动的展示直播,所以一定要在CET16:00的时候到twitch上来看看新的美国国策树!



校对:zzztotoso 三等文官猹中堂




发布于 2018-10-04 09:41