Chromecast,是 Google 推出的电视棒,插在电视的 HDMI 接口上,电脑或者智能手机浏览器播放的音乐或者视频便可以通过 Wi-Fi 网路将画面和声音传输到电视大屏幕上,但事实上只是传输内容的 URL 到 Chromecast 上,解码等运算是在后者上面进行。

The small dongle costs approximately $35 and promises to let you easily stream Internet video on a television. Plug the device into the back of a TV's HDMI port, connect it to your home WiFi network and you can then fire up videos or music on your phone, tablet and computer and watch it on the bigger screen ... via Google Chromecast Lets You Stream Video on Your TV with Your Phone or Tablet for $35
