JavaScriptCore, renamed to SquirrelFish and marketed as Nitro, for Safari is a framework that provides a JavaScript engine for WebKit implementations, and provides this type of scripting in other contexts within OS X.

On June 2, 2008, the WebKit project announced they rewrote JavaScriptCore as "SquirrelFish", a bytecode interpreter. The project evolved into SquirrelFish Extreme (abbreviated SFX, marketed as Nitro), announced on September 18, 2008, which compiles JavaScript into native machine code, eliminating the need for a bytecode interpreter and thus speeding up JavaScript execution.
  1. JavaScript virtual machines
  2. Javascript
  3. Big Web App? Compile It!
  4. How to enable the Nitro Javascript engine for Google Chrome
  5. PhoneGap Tips - Nitro JavaScript Engine in iOS PhoneGap...
  6. Suitmedia Engineering Blog
  7. Once upon a time in the Web... | JavaScript
  8. Create QPdfJs · YSHURIK
  9. Octane 2.0 JavaScript Benchmark
  10. Pdf print
  11. Reactive Data Pipelines – The Data Fellowship – Data stories...
  12. iOS 上的 Safari 和 Chrome,两者内核一样吗? - 知乎
  13. Daring Fireball: Why the Nitro JavaScript Engine...
  14. JADSDS
  15. nitro javascript engine
  16. Firefox print pdf
  17. JavaScript engine - Wikipedia
  18. X or PDF into HTML, some are focused on
  19. javascript
  20. Custom Scripts