UDID, unique device ID, The device ID is a 40-character string that is tied to a single device.
  1. com.myflashlab.air.extensions.udid.UDID
  2. 知乎
  3. OpenUDID 是否足够替代 UDID 使用? 有何不同? - 知乎
  4. 一个开发者证书可以使用多个 iphone 或ipad...
  5. stellar-group.github.io/tutorials
  6. ics-creative.github.io/160518_hologram/hologram1
  7. PDF.js viewer
  8. Deep learning tutorial on Caffe technology : basic commands...
  9. What Is A UDID And Why Is Apple Killing Apps... | Cult of Mac
  10. UDID | Article about UDID by The Free Dictionary
  11. 有哪些好用的pdf虚拟打印机推荐? - 知乎
  12. 在此向有关部门要求严格执法,惩治违法乱… - 知乎
  13. 1. Basic Plotting with Pylab — mpl-tutorial 0.1 documentation
  14. “弟兄们! 只要有人在这拿摄像机摄像的,… - 知乎
  15. ECMAScript 6 Tutorial
  16. 谁有 雅思王听力真题语料库——机考笔试综合版 pdf & MP3
  17. Dead-simple tutorial on how to get your iPhone/iPad UDID.
  18. 厉害了 - 知乎
  19. UDID - The iPhone Wiki
  20. UDID - Wikipedia