Windows provides developers with a familiar Bash environment.
  1. Bash on Ubuntu on Windows ·
  2. Bash on Ubuntu on Windows · Fredrik Averpil
  3. Evening Session
  4. Try Out Bash on Unbuntu on Windows
  5. ConEmu | Bash on Ubuntu on Windows in ConEmu (WSL)
  6. How to Install Zsh and Oh My Zsh on Windows 10
  7. Linux shell on windows
  8. Build 160411
  9. Running Bash scripts on Windows – Vegard’s blog
  10. Bash on Ubuntu on Windows in Visual Studio Code
  11. Bash for Ubuntu for Windows
  12. Bash On Ubuntu On WindowsのGPU...
  13. 请问bash on windows怎么卸载? - 知乎
  14. 如何将 bash for windows 的字体配色方案改为与ubuntu...
  15. bash on ubuntu on windows 上如何安装go 1.7? - 知乎
  16. 请问如何更换bash on ubuntu on windows10的字体? - 知乎
  17. 如何解决Bash on Windows在cmder中的中文乱码? - 知乎
  18. Ubuntu on bash on windows 如何设置环境变量? - 知乎
  19. 使用Bash on Ubuntu on Windows运行bash脚本
  20. 如何评价 Bash on Windows 已经可以运行 Ubuntu...