拟物,或称拟物化,或叫现实主义(realism)。是一种 GUI 设计外观风格,常见在软件界面上模拟现实物品的纹理。其目标是使用户界面让用户更加熟悉亲和。降低使用的学习成本。 A skeuomorph, or skeuomorphism is a design element of a product that imitates design elements functionally necessary in the original product design, but which have become ornamental in the new design. Skeuomorphs may be deliberately employed to make the new look comfortably old and familiar. (via en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S )
  1. 拟物化 (Skeuomorphism) - 热门问答 - 知乎
  2. 你用过的拟物化设计又很好用的app? - 知乎
  3. KVM安装配置 | Carpe Diem.
  4. Amber教程B4:使用antechamber和GAFF模拟药物分子|Jerkwin
  5. JOS虚拟页表的实现
  6. 虚拟化标志 | DoubleJ
  7. zhihu.com/lives
  8. Mit 6828 lab2 Memory Management – Sunus & Code
  9. 拟物化APP - 广州彩信手机报 - UJohn
  10. Skeuomorphism - Quora
  11. UI...
  12. ics-creative.github.io/160518_hologram/hologram1
  13. 什么是扁平化设计 (Flat Design)...
  14. PDF.js viewer
  15. Deep learning tutorial on Caffe technology : basic commands...
  16. 1. Basic Plotting with Pylab — mpl-tutorial 0.1 documentation
  17. Приложения в Google Play – 拟物化设计示例
  18. seeeddoc.github.io/BLE_Micro/res/BLE_Micro.pdf
  19. YALMIP
  20. 有哪些好的Lynda.com课程值得推荐? - 知乎