> Facebook F8 (pronounced " eff eight") is a mostly-annual conference held by Facebook, intended for developers and entrepreneurs who build products and services around the website. It takes place in San Francisco, California. Previous events have started with a keynote speech by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, followed by various breakout sessions concentrating on specific topics. Facebook has often introduced new features, and made new announcements, at the conference. The name "F8" derives from the tradition at Facebook of having a big eight-hour Hackathon just after the event. Via Facebook F8
明晚 Google I/O 要不要熬夜?看完这篇你就有数了
PyTorch 1.1来了!官方支持TensorBoard
0+阅读 · 2019年5月2日
F8 2019:Facebook 保护隐私转型的第一步
0+阅读 · 2019年5月1日