
2017 年 8 月 20 日 待字闺中 Sebastian Ruder


Task-specific best practices

In the following, we will discuss task-specific best practices. Most of these perform best for a particular type of task. Some of them might still be applied to other tasks, but should be validated before. We will discuss the following tasks: classification, sequence labelling, natural language generation (NLG), and -- as a special case of NLG -- neural machine translation.


More so than for sequence tasks, where CNNs have only recently found application due to more efficient convolutional operations, CNNs have been popular for classification tasks in NLP. The following best practices relate to CNNs and capture some of their optimal hyperparameter choices.

CNN filters   Combining filter sizes near the optimal filter size, e.g. (3,4,5) performs best (Kim, 2014; Kim et al., 2016). The optimal number of feature maps is in the range of 50-600 (Zhang & Wallace, 2015) [59].

Aggregation function   1-max-pooling outperforms average-pooling and