The paper is dedicated to the use of LodView for navigation over the multilingual Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud. First, we define the class of Pubby-like tools, that LodView belongs to, and clarify the relation of this class to the classes of URI dereferenciation tools, RDF browsers and LOD visualization tools. Second, we reveal several limitations of LodView that impede its use for the designated purpose, and propose improvements to be made for fixing these limitations. These improvements are: 1) resolution of Cyrillic URIs; 2) decoding Cyrillic URIs in Turtle representations of resources; 3) support of Cyrillic literals; 4) user-friendly URLs for RDF representations of resources; 5) support of hash URIs; 6) expanding nested resources; 7) support of RDF collections; 8) pagination of resource property values; and 9) support of $\LaTeX$ math notation. Third, we partially implement several of the proposed improvements.
翻译:本文专门用LodView进行多语言链接开放数据云的导航。 首先,我们界定了Pubby类工具,LodView属于该类工具,并澄清了该类工具与URI referenciation工具、RDF浏览器和LOD可视化工具的类别之间的关系。第二,我们揭示了LodView的若干限制,这些限制妨碍了将其用于指定的目的,并提议改进这些限制。这些改进包括:(1) Cyrillic URIs的解决方案;(2) 将Cyrillic URIs解密用于海龟资源表示;(3) Cyrillic Literals的支持;(4) RDF资源表述的方便用户的URL;(5) 对Hash URIs的支持;(6) 扩大嵌巢资源;7) RDF收藏的支持;8) 资源属性的定性;和(9) 支持$\LaTeX$的数学标记。第三,我们部分实施了其中几项拟议的改进。