
2019 年 3 月 22 日 科学网

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Nature, 21 March 2019, Volume 567 Issue 7748





Particle robotics based on statistical mechanics of loosely coupled components


▲ 作者:Shuguang Li、Richa Batra、Daniela Rus、Hod Lipson,et al

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▲ 摘要:







▲ Abstract

Biological organisms achieve robust high-level behaviours by combining and coordinating stochastic low-level components. By contrast, most current robotic systems comprise either monolithic mechanisms or modular units with coordinated motions. Such robots require explicit control of individual components to perform specific functions, and the failure of one component typically renders the entire robot inoperable. Here we demonstrate a robotic system whose overal behaviour can be successfully controlled by exploiting statistical mechanics phenomena. We achieve this by incorporating many loosely coupled ‘particles’, which are incapable of independent locomotion and do not possess individual identity or addressable position. In the proposed system, each particle is permitted to perform only uniform volumetric oscillations that are phase-modulated by a global signal. Despite the stochastic motion of the robot and lack of direct control of its individual components, we demonstrate physical robots composed of up to two dozen particles and simulated robots with up to 100,000 particles capable of robust locomotion, object transport and photo taxis (movement towards a light stimulus). Locomotion is maintained even when 20 per cent of the  particles malfunction. These findings indicate that stochastic systems may offer an alternative approach to more complex and exacting robots vialarge-scale robust amorphous robotic systems that exhibit deterministic behaviour.

Diverse and robust molecular algorithms using reprogrammable DNA self-assembly


▲ 作者:Damien Woods、David Doty、CameronMyhrvold、Erik Winfree,etal

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▲ Abstract

Molecular biology provides an inspiring proof-of-principle that chemical systems can store and process information to direct molecular activities such as the fabrication of complex structures from molecular components. To develop information-based chemistry as a technology for programming matter to functionin ways not seen in biological systems, it is necessary to understand how molecular interactions can encode and execute algorithms. The self-assembly of relatively simple units into complex products is particularly well suited for such investigations. Theory that combines mathematical tiling and statistical–mechanical models of molecular crystallization has shown that algorithmic behaviour can be embedded within molecular self-assembly processes,and this has been experimentally demonstrated using DNA nanotechnology with upto 22 tile types. However, many information technologies exhibit a complexity threshold—such as the minimum transistor count needed for a general-purpose computer—beyond which the power of a reprogrammable system increases qualitatively, and it has been unclear whether the biophysics of DNA self-assembly allows that threshold to be exceeded. Here we report the designand experimental validation of a DNA tile set that contains 355 single-strandedtiles and can, through simple tile selection, be reprogrammed to implement awide variety of 6-bit algorithms. We use this set to construct 21 circuits that execute algorithms including copying, sorting, recognizing palindromes and multiples of 3, random walking, obtaining an unbiased choice from a biased random source, electing a leader, simulating cellular automata, generating deterministic and randomized patterns, and counting to 63, with an overallper-tile error rate of less than 1 in 3,000. These findings suggest that molecular self-assembly could be a reliable algorithmic component within programmable chemical systems. The development of molecular machines that are reprogrammable—at a high level of abstraction and thus without requiring knowledge of the underlying physics—will establish a creative space in which molecular programmers can flourish.



Gboxinis an oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor that targets glioblastoma


▲ 作者:Yufeng Shi、S. Kyun Lim、Qiren Liang、Jef K. DeBrabander、Luis F.Parada,et al 

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▲ 摘要:





研究人员表示,Gboxin能迅速且不可逆转地损害胶质母细胞瘤细胞中的氧消耗。它以其正电荷依赖于线粒体氧化磷酸化复合物,其依赖于线粒体内膜的质子梯度,并抑制F0F1 ATP合成酶的活性。

▲ Abstract

Cancer-specific inhibitors that reflect the unique metabolic needs of cancer cells are rare. Here we describe Gboxin, a small molecule that specifically inhibits the growth of primary mouse and human glioblastoma cells but not that of mouse embryonic fibroblasts or neonatal astrocytes. Gboxin rapidly and irreversibly compromises oxygen consumption in glioblastoma cells. Gboxin relies on its positive charge to associate with mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complexes in a manner that is dependent on the proton gradient of the inner mitochondrial membrane, and it inhibits the activity of F0F1ATP synthase. Gboxin-resistant cells require a functional mitochondrial permeability transition pore that regulates pH and thus impedes the accumulation of Gboxinin the mitochondrial matrix. Administration of a metabolically stable Gboxinanalogue inhibits glioblastoma allografts and patient-derived xenografts. Gboxin toxicity extends to established human cancer cell lines of diverse organ origin, and shows that the increased proton gradient and pH in cancer cell mitochondria is a mode of action that can be targeted in the development of antitumour reagents.

Dynamics of breast-cancer relapse reveal late-recurring ER-positive genomic subgroups


▲ 作者:Oscar M.Rueda、Stephen-JohnSammut、Jose A.Seoane、Carlos Caldas、ChristinaCurtis,et al 

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▲ Abstract

The rates and routes of lethal systemic spread in breast cancer are poorly understood owing to a lack of molecularly characterized patient cohorts with long-term, detailed follow-up data. Long-term follow-up is especially important for those with oestrogen-receptor (ER)-positive breast cancers, which can recurup to two decades after initial diagnosis. It is therefore essential to identify patients who have a high risk of late relapse. Here we present a statistical framework that models distinct disease stages (locoregional recurrence, distant recurrence, breast-cancer-related death and death from other causes) and competing risks of mortality from breast cancer, while yielding individual risk-of-recurrence predictions. We apply this model to 3240 patients with breast cancer, including 1980 for whom molecular data are available, and delineate spatio temporal patterns of relapse across different categories of molecular information (namely immunohistochemical subtypes; PAM50 subtypes, which are based on gene-expression patterns; and integrative or IntClust subtypes, which are based on patterns of genomic copy-number alterations and gene expression). We identify four late-recurring integrative subtypes, comprising about one quarter (26%) of tumours that are both positive for ER and negative for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, each with characteristic tumour-driving alterations in genomic copy number and ahigh risk of recurrence (mean 47–62%) up to 20 years after diagnosis. We also define a subgroup of triple-negative breast cancers in which cancer rarely recurs after five years, and a separate subgroup in which patients remain atrisk. Use of the integrative subtypes improves the prediction of late, distant relapse beyond what is possible with clinical covariates (nodal status, tumoursize, tumour grade and immunohistochemical subtype). These findings highlight opportunities for improved patient stratification and biomarker-driven clinicaltrials.



Cryo-EM structures of STING reveal its mechanism of activation by cyclic GMP–AMP


▲ 作者:Guijun Shang、ConggangZhang、Zhijian J.Chen、Xiao-chen Bai、Xuewu Zhang

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▲ 摘要:





▲ Abstract

Infections by pathogens that contain DNA trigger the production of type-I interferons and inflammatory cytokines through cyclic GMP–AMP synthase, which produces2′3′-cyclic GMP–AMP (cGAMP) that binds to and activates stimulator of interferon genes (STING; also known as TMEM173, MITA, ERIS and MPYS). STING isan endoplasmic-reticulum membrane protein that contains four transmembrane helices followed by a cytoplasmic ligand-binding and signalling domain. The cytoplasmic domain of STING forms a dimer, which undergoes a conformational change upon binding to cGAMP. However, it remains unclear how this conformational change leads to STING activation. Here we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of full-length STING from human and chicken in theinactive dimeric state (about 80 kDa in size), as well as cGAMP-bound chicken STING in both the dimeric and tetrameric states. The structures show that the transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions interact to form an integrated, domain-swapped dimeric assembly. Closure of the ligand-binding domain, inducedby cGAMP, leads to a 180° rotation of the ligand-binding domain relative to the transmembrane domain. This rotation is coupled to a conformational change in a loop on the side of the ligand-binding-domain dimer, which leads to the formation of the STING tetramer and higher-order oligomers through side-by-side packing. This model of STING oligomerization and activation is supported by our structure-based mutational analyses.

Structuralbasis of STING binding with and phosphorylation by TBK1


▲ 作者:ConggangZhang、Guijun Shang、Xiang Gui、Xuewu Zhang、Xiao-chen Bai、Zhijian J.Chen

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▲ 摘要:


环GMP-AMP合成酶 (cGAS) 是一种细胞质DNA传感器,可激活I型干扰素通路。而STING招募并激活TBK1,最终诱导与炎症相关的基因表达。




▲ Abstract

The invasion of mammalian cytoplasm by microbial DNA from infectious pathogens orby self DNA from the nucleus or mitochondria represents a danger signal thatalerts the host immune system. Cyclic GMP–AMP synthase (cGAS) is a sensor of cytoplasmic DNA that activates the type-I interferon pathway. On binding toDNA, cGAS is activated to catalyse the synthesis of cyclic GMP–AMP (cGAMP) from GTP and ATP. cGAMP functions as a second messenger that binds to and activates stimulator of interferon genes (STING). STING then recruits and activates tank-binding kinase 1 (TBK1), which phosphorylates STING and the transcription factor IRF3 to induce type-I interferons and other cytokines. However, how cGAMP-bound STING activates TBK1 and IRF3 is not understood. Here we present the cryo-electron microscopy structure of human TBK1 in complex with cGAMP-bound, full-length chicken STING. The structure reveals that theC-terminal tail of STING adopts a β-strand-like conformation and inserts into a groove between the kinase domain of one TBK1 subunit and the scaffold and dimerization domain of the second subunit in the TBK1 dimer. In this bindingmode, the phosphorylation site Ser366 in the STING tail cannot reach the kinase-domain active site of bound TBK1, which suggests that STING phosphorylation by TBK1 requires the oligomerization of both proteins. Mutational analyses validate the interaction mode between TBK1 and STING and support a model in which high-order oligomerization of STING and TBK1, induced by cGAMP, leads to STING phosphorylation by TBK1.



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