A modular version of the baskets queue of Hoffman, Shalev and Shavit is presented. It manipulates the head and tail using a novel object called load-link/increment-conditional, which can be implemented using only READ/WRITE instructions, and admits implementations that spread contention. This suggests that there might be an alternative to the seemingly inherent bottleneck in previous queue implementations that manipulate the head and the tail using read-modify-write instructions over a single shared register.
翻译:演示了霍夫曼、沙列夫和沙维特的篮子队列模块化版本。 它使用一个叫做负载链/苛刻附加条件的新东西来操纵头部和尾部, 只能使用REEAD/ WRITE 指令来实施, 并认可分散争论的执行 。 这意味着除了先前队列执行中似乎固有的瓶颈外, 可能还有一种替代方法, 即使用一个共享的注册簿来使用读修改- 写指令来操纵头部和尾部 。