In blind compression of quantum states, a sender Alice is given a specimen of a quantum state $\rho$ drawn from a known ensemble (but without knowing what $\rho$ is), and she transmits sufficient quantum data to a receiver Bob so that he can decode a near perfect specimen of $\rho$. For many such states drawn iid from the ensemble, the asymptotically achievable rate is the number of qubits required to be transmitted per state. The Holevo information is a lower bound for the achievable rate, and is attained for pure state ensembles, or in the related scenario of entanglement-assisted visible compression of mixed states wherein Alice knows what state is drawn. In this paper, we prove a general and robust lower bound on the achievable rate for ensembles of classical states, which holds even in the least demanding setting when Alice and Bob share free entanglement and a constant per-copy error is allowed. We apply the bound to a specific ensemble of only two states and prove a near-maximal separation (saturating the dimension bound in leading order) between the best achievable rate and the Holevo information for constant error. This also implies that the ensemble is incompressible -- compression does not reduce the communication cost by much. Since the states are classical, the observed incompressibility is not fundamentally quantum mechanical. We lower bound the difference between the achievable rate and the Holevo information in terms of quantitative limitations to clone the specimen or to distinguish the two classical states.
翻译:在对量子状态进行盲目的压缩时,向发送者Alice提供从已知的组合中抽取的量子状态 $\ rho$的样本(但不知道是多少美元),她向接收者Bob传递足够的量子数据,以便他能够解码近乎完美的标本 $\ rho$。对于许多从组合中抽取的这类国家来说,无试可及的速率是每个州需要传送的量位数。Holevo信息对于可实现的速率来说是一个较低的约束,对于纯状态集合,或者在相关的爱丽丝知道所画的混杂状态的纠缠作用下,她可以实现。在本文中,我们对可实现的量位数差异适用了较低的约束值,而对于可实现的量位数,我们只能对两个州的特定量级数进行约束,并且证明一个接近的量度差异是接近的(在爱丽丝和鲍比的精度中,不可测的量位数值是最低的) 。在可实现的量度中,最难的量的量的量的量的量值是最低的量值 。在可实现的量值的量值中,最可实现的量值的量值的量值的量值中,最量值的量值的量值是可以降低的量值的量值的量值, 。